Overtime Bonanza in California

Posted by Tina

The good news is that the 3 days a month furlough that Governor Schwartzenegger established should save California taxpayers $1.2 billion this year. The bad news for State workers is that the three days off each month means they’re losing pay…or does it? Turns out some are doing quite nicely, thank you. They simply take advantage of overtime and actually add significantly to their earnings. Read all about it in the L.A. Times:

Overtime pay may be putting a dent in state’s furlough savings,” by Patrick McGreevy

Records show that the top 50 recipients of overtime last year each received more than $100,000 in extra compensation. Most were from the departments of corrections and mental health, which account for more than half of the overtime doled out by state agencies; 35 of the top 50 were registered nurses.

Wow…an extra $100 to $200 thousand a month…nice work if you can get it…but it doesn’t do much to help our budget woes.

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