Day of Action – Student Protest Higher Fees

by Jack Lee


Chico, Ca – Day of Action brings 150 arrests. The 880 freeway near Oakland was briefly closed by protestors laying across the roadway. Elsewhere on campuses around the state there were protests marches and sit-ins over the latest round of budget cuts and hikes in student fees.

Not all were protesting because they were students faced with higher educational costs. Also present with their banners and sponsoring some of the days events was the, Freedom Socialist Party, All Nations Alliance, Freedom Road Socialists, International Workers and Students for Justice, Socialist Anarchists, Workers World Party, United Council of Workers, Socialists Now, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Organization, Destroy Industry, La Mecha and others. All communists groups or groups of confused people who couldn’t decide if they were communists or anarchists or didn’t know the difference.

As one student said in a protest email, “Why not talk about important issues like serve food at 3 a.m. when I hungry.” Well said college man and future leader of America! Why not talk about the important issues. . . like why you idiot students vote a straight democrat ticket every time and yet these are the very people who have misspent your education funds in favor of unions?

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