Gone Fishing, But I’ll Be Back

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Gone Fishing, but I’ll Be Back

by One Vike

As you all know by now, I have been offered my own Blog with the Enterprise Record. I must admit that a year ago when I first started writing for Posts Scripts the idea of me having my own Blog was the farthest thing from my thoughts. Truth be told, I was more worried about whether or not the retirement center I pastor for was going to allow me to return.

That was something I never shared with anyone besides my close friends and relatives, was that last year on Good Friday I was told to tame down my description of the suffering Christ went to for our sins. Well, I refused and instead was asked to leave the premises by the director himself. A week later I was told that a mistake had been made and that they had fired the director. I was asked by the new director if I would consider returning as the pastor of the residents. I obviously accepted and have been going strong since.

I share that with you all now, so that you know I am a man of my convictions, and as such my opinions are so rooted in my soul that it will take God and God alone to change the way think. However, I must admit that being a mere sinner like all humans, I too error in the way I go about things from time to time. The difference is I look to Christ to forgive me and i am guaranteed He does, each and every time I stumble. I guess I would like to say to anyone I may have offended in the past, that my intentions are well meaning even if the tone and words I use do not exactly reflect the person I try to be.

As Jack appropriately pointed out, I will be just around the corner pontificating and challenging liberals, atheists, and false teachers with my unique sense of charm and antagonism that you all have grown to either love or hate. I do warn you however, I will be less constrained because of the freedom I will have with my own blog. So if you are up to the challenge and really want a knock down drag out fight that still stays within the limits set by Nor Cal blogs, then come on by and I promise you will not be disappointed.

I have informed the editor of Nor Cal Blogs that I will not start until May 1st however, so those who wish to get a pound of my flesh will have to wait a bit longer. It has been a very long and hectic year for me, and I find myself a bit burned out and and not very creative. Thus the reason I have noit been contributing to PS the last few weeks. Also I have Good Friday and Easter coming up that I need to give my full attention to at the retirement center where I pastor. I have loaded too much on my plate and in the process my personal life has begun to be ignored because of it. I have tried to actually step back and slow down, just to find my self being pulled back to do even more then I was before. Well, I truly believe that now is the time for me to take a hiatus from my writing. Sometimes we need to step back and slow down and that time has come for me. What better moment then before I step up and take on my own blog.

Also I would like to doing some fly fishing, something I was only able to do only twice last year. I have found it to be a great way to relax from the worries of this world. Nothing sets my mind at ease more then trouncing up and down the rivers with a fly rod in my hand and the Lords great outdoors all around me. The times when I can get out and go fishing have been some of my best moments spent in solitude with our Lord. My wife is also fond of fishing and she too missed our time away from the cares of the real world and the solitude of the river.

Well, before I sign off for a while I would like top personally thank K for the many times I was taken to the limit by your steadfastness and honesty for that of which you believe in. Quentin for the way you truly have a way of making me defend that which I believe. Snopes for the many times you supported me and the few times you became an adversary. Mark, although you and I seem to rub each other the wrong way, I thank God for men like you. That is because it make me try even harder to be accurate in the things I believe in, and in the end that is truly a good thing. (even if you are mostly wrong) Libby, you seem to always say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I love you because you make me fell less extreme in the extreme world of blogging. Nancy, for your unending loyalty ever since we met at FR, give your son an attaboy for the way he has taken his troubles and turned them around to positives. Tom Hawks, what can I say, you have turned out to be quite the ally in many fights both here and elsewhere on the WWW, I look forward to many more battles with you covering my back. Fred, what happened to you guy, and where did you go? If you catch this, I invite you to write on my blog because I liked the way you think.

Finally I would like to thank Jack and Tina, what can I say? You two have allowed me to spread my wings and I will forever be grateful to you for that. It has been a wild ride and while I was already surfing blogs and commenting for over ten years, it was not until you two invited me to share your limelight that I truly experienced what it meant to be a blogger. I will always look back at the time I was here, with fond memories.

God bless you all and if I forgot to thank anyone like Robin, Dr. Beckner, Freepmanchew, Broken Feather, Amigaf, or anyone else I apologize. If anyone is looking for me, I’ll be somewhere on the feather river or butte creek attempting to catch that California brown rainbow that got away from me last Spring.

God bless and take care.

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