Health Care Shenanigans Unconstitutional

Posted by Tina

There really are no words that would adequately describe what is happening in Washington DC. The health care bill, the process, the tactics have all been called every despicable thing you can imagine. But the new scheme to deem legislation as passed and include things in the final bill that were never debated is unconstitutional…and that just cannot be allowed to stand. Tea Partiers in DC today agree:

We must do what we can to stop this monster! The President is under the impression that we want this bill passed. Polling tells us he is wrong. Contact the White House and let the President know you don’t appreciate this unconstitutional maneuver:

Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111 or 202 224-3121 (toll call)
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

The new approach, the slaughter rule, is apparently unconstitutional but even that will not stop Pelosi’s arrogant determination to pass this legislation.

Stories in the news today reveal that drug company lobbyists were called into secret meetings over the weekend to hammer out details that would satisfy drug companies. This meeting is, of course, in direct conflict with Obama’s pledge for transparency and keeping lobbyists out of the process. Other reports indicate that something called a “Public Health Workforce Corps” is included in the reconciliation bill. God only knows what that means since we won’t actually know until after its passed. As the Queen Bee herself stated last week she has to get the bill passed so the American people will know what’s in it!

If that isn’t enough to make you totally disgusted and angry try this from Investors Business Daily:

Frankenstein Rx – IBD

On top of the big increases in health care premiums that the Congressional Budget Office warns will come if this government power-grab passes into law, and on top of stepping on the gas toward fiscal disaster by in effect establishing a new government entitlement, Democratic leaders have now added, of all things, a student aid bill to win moderate Democratic votes. ** Bet you didn’t think health reform had anything to do with the establishment of a new “Advisory Council on Green, High-Performing Public School Facilities,” as Section 343 on Pages 2,227 to 2,230 of the bill provides for. The new multibillion-dollar bureaucracy “shall be composed of appropriate officials from the Department of Education; representatives of the academic, architectural, business, education, engineering, environmental, labor, and scientific communities; and such other representatives as the secretary (of Education) deems appropriate.”

I wish I could say this is the beginning of the end of this nightmare…unfortunately for those of us who prefer limited government, responsible spending and regulation, and ethical behaviors by our leaders this is only the beginning of a long hard slog to put an end to BIG government intrusion, mismanagement and unconstitutional crap.

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