Butte Republicans Introduce Damon Dunn

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Posted by Tina

A reception is being held by the Butte Republicans to introduce Damon Dun, an ex NFL player and businessman who is running for Secretary of State:

Date: Thursday, April 1st

Place: Hotel Diamond (Chico) – Go to the wine cellar under Johnnies Restaurant.

Time: 6:00 PM

Dunn is someone you might want to seriously consider for Secretary of State in November. He’s living proof that anyone can succeed in America. With a strong background of personal achievement and community service behind him he expresses a sincere desire to see the State of California turned around and thriving once again so that the opportunities he hadd will be available for others. The webpage “Hip Hop Republican” offers an amazing profile of a man who worked hard to overcome extreme poverty to become a tremendous success, first in school and college, and later in professional sports, in business and in public service. The following vision for California is excerpted from the “Hip Hop Republican” site:

Damon believes the answer to California’s problems is not to increase the burden on the diminishing number of entities who have made the state successful, but to create an environment where ALL Californians can reach their potential. This means: The creation of a business environment that encourages job creation, innovation and growth. ** The creation of an education system that places the student, not the education bureaucracy, at its center. ** Returning power to local government and away from the bloated, ineffective and bankrupt state bureaucracy. ** A system that encourages the payment of good wages for good work, not a government pension system that pays healthy, working age people up to $400,000 not to work. ** Damon is fully cognizant of the magnitude of the problem. However, Damon believes that great things not only are possible, they are achievable.

Steve Thompson of the Butte Republicans invites you to attend what should be an interesting and informative evening.

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