New Technology Poses Threat to Iran

by Jack Lee


(at left a typical bunker busting bomb)

Two major obstacles confront any attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. First these structures are over 100 feet deep and encased with 10 to 15 feet thick reinforced concrete making them extremely blast resistant. The other is their sophisticated air defense system that includes an early warning radar network and surface to air missile sites. Just to reach the sites would be a logistics nightmare for any country, except for the USA. We have ample supply of cruise missiles and bombers that would have no problem attacking and wiping out their defenses.

However, for a small country like Israel, it’s an incredible stretch of their military power. But, for arguments sake, let’s say they found a way to reach their targets in Iran. They still have to take them out. These are hardened targets that would be extremely difficult to knock out with one air attack.

Current technology, actually physics, has limited a bunker busting bomb penetration to a maximum of 4 times the length of the bomb and realistically much less. But, there does exist something else that can go 50% deeper than our very best bunker busters.

This is the ultra secret “Deep Digger” bomb. Believe it or not, this bomb parachutes down and literally starts drilling. The weapon is only limited by how much debris it can get clear from the shaft. The exact depth it can dig is classified, but it’s at least half again better than any kinetic weapon in existence. This has to scare the heck out the Iranian’s inside their nuclear facilities, because they didn’t dig their shelters deep enough. Thats right, even though at the time they were built they were well protected, but that part has suddenly changed. They had no idea anything short of a nuclear bomb would ever be powerful enough to reach these deep bunkers, but they were dead wrong.

In a report by David Hambling he says, “Multiple “Deep Diggers” could be co-ordinated to detonate simultaneously producing a combined shockwave.

Part of the secret is the rock-breaking projectile, developed like the cannon at ARDEC, the US Army’s Armament Research Development and Engineering Center at Picatinny. David Burns, the Program Manager, describes it as being a special .75 calibre round, a monolithic design which is more robust and performs better than earlier projectiles. In place of the blasting gel used earlier it now employs a solid high explosive called PAX-11, one of Picatinny’s own special recipes.

Deep Digger has already moved on from the version described in this presentation. Burns is confident that it’s proven ability to drill consistently through rock will make Deep Digger the leader in its field.

It doesn’t stop with bombs either. There are some other interesting applications for Deep Digger technology too, starting with a breaching cannon that cuts through brick walls like a chainsaw through plywood.”

Guess who else happens to possess such a weapon…. yeah, imagine that.

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