Results of the Tea Party Meeting for 13 April

by Jack Lee

There was another meeting tonight to hear the candidates for Chico City Council and the Board of Supervisors. It was by far the largest meeting I’ve been too, it seems like this movement is really gaining a lot of new members. This is nothing like the old Perot/United We Stand movement, this is the real deal and I think they are about to change politics in America.

The average person would have been pleased to see the high caliber of people present at this meeting. The candidates all did extremely well.

I noted a number of ladies from the Republican Women Federated, but there were many more new faces. The average age seems to be holding between 55 and 65. These were really nice, but very concerned people.

Larry Wahl had a tremendous response to his speech and his dump Jane Dolan effort. As you know Dolan had been a supervisor for 32 years and people are ready for a change. The newest candidate, Erny Spears, did a commendable job and seemed to be as much at ease with this crowd as they were with him. Erny may not have much political experience but he has a wealth of business experience and he’s very likeable as he proved tonight. His opponent is Maureen Kirk and she is seeking re-election for her second term in office. She is considerable left of Spears who wants to reign in the county budget, do whatever it takes to bring some jobs to this area and start building up our tax revenues which have been decimated by the recession.

One obstacles that both Wahl and Spears pointed out is we have so many state and federal mandates to pay for, by the time they get to the money they have control over, roughly 79% has been spent. Of the remainder a huge portion is consumed by funding police and fire. In reality the Board only controls a few percent of the leftovers. Even so, Wahl says there are creative ways to get more bang for the buck and he and Spears want to give it a try. As it stands the county could be several million in the red for next year so somebody better do something.



Thursday, April 15th between 10 am. and 2 pm. Downtown Chico City Plaza Park.

Dress appropriately because there might be a chance of showers, bring a lawn chair, your signs and ENTHUSIASM! We want others to be inspired to get off the sofa and get involved to turn this Country around.


A reminder. . . . .we are a grassroots, non partisan group of local citizens who do not ask your political registration. Our focus is on three core values: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets.

Chico Tea Party Patriots

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