No Tea Party Involved: No Headlines – No Predetermined Guilt – No Ugly Slurs

by Tina Grazier

Dissent and anger is considered acceptable, even admirable, when expressed from the left. Name calling and anger is deemed “political speech” even when hatefully spewed. Violence is reported but largely dismissed politically when perpetrated by those groups with sympathies toward democrats. Tea Party folk, talk show hosts, commentators and others who speak from a right-wing perspective are treated quite differently.

When Tea Partiers or various conservative commentators are involved in political activism or free speech a point is made to label them negatively and discredit them however possible. Tea Partiers and commentators on the right have been called a lot of ugly names among them the ugliest of all…racist. They have been accused of inciting others to violence against racial groups, individuals and the government. Joe Klein referred to Rush Limbaugh (and others) as “seditious” (scroll down) on the Chris Mathews Show last Sunday. Actor Lance Baxter, the guy that is the voice for Geico Insurance suggested in a message to “FreedomWorks” that it’s staff might be “mentally retarded” and asked what the group would do when a tea partier “killed someone”. Bill Clinton even got into the act insinuating that Tea Party protesters expressing anger were similar to the voices he claims were the inspiration for Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh. (Timothy McVeigh cited Bill Clinton and Janet Reno’s private war on WACO as his ultimate inspiration, but no matter.)

Well….two weeks have gone by and very little has been investigated and reported about an incident that occurred after Republican Bobby Jindal’s fundraiser in Louisiana:

“Police Stymied in Violent Attack Against Jindal Staffer,” by Matt Hadro – Human Events

Nearly two weeks have passed since a top aide to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal was assaulted shortly after an angry crowd protested outside a GOP fundraiser. The New Orleans police have yet to name a suspect or make an arrest. ** On April 9, Allie Bautsch, a top fundraiser for Gov. Jindal, and her boyfriend were followed and attacked less than two blocks away from the event. Bautsch suffered a horrific broken leg while her boyfriend, Joseph Brown, sustained a concussion and a broken nose and jaw. ** The attack came after the Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) held a $10,000-a-plate fundraiser for Gov. Jindal at Brennan’s Restaurant. The fundraiser was attended by Republican Governors Haley Barbour (Miss.) and Rick Perry (Tex.). ** Outside of Brennan’s, protesters chanted of “Hey-hey, ho-ho; Bobby Jindal has got to go!” ** Signs at the protest included an anarchist symbol–the capital “A” inside a circle–and other slogans, such as “Tax the Rich” and “Ruling Class Robbers,” and an obscene criticism of capitalism.

Where’s the outrage over this attack? Where are the calls for decency and calm? Where are the warnings that angry protests will lead to violence? This story has been buried!!! Tea partiers would have received big headlines and continuous coverage on news programs had Democrats been violently attacked after a political event of this nature, yet there has been scant reporting about this event. Police are reluctant to speculate about the perpetrators but that has never stopped the talking heads from speculating and pointing fingers of guilt at Tea partiers or Limbaugh. How will the old media and leftist commentators and supporters deal with organized democrat operatives, protesters and activists when they begin to speak freely in the coming months as elections heat up? It would be wise for Americans to note the contrast. What, for instance, will they say about these people:

“Camp OFA,” by Dennis Sevakis – American Thinker

Organizing for America, Barack Obama’s political organization that’s run by the Democratic National Committee, wants to recruit and train a cadre of activists, and is holding camps all over America. Find one near you here. ** Training camp for Tea Party infiltrators? Polling place intimidators? Basic training for the Civilian Defense Corps that Obama once-upon-a-time talked about creating? Are Homeland Security, the FBI and SPLC keeping as close a watch on these guys and gals as they do Michigan militias? ** Hope you’re up for more change. ‘Cause it’s comin’. The Dems have all the pieces in place. And this is not just a case of being paranoid about it.

If those involved in this organization and it’s spawn look and act anything like SEIU organizers or the two New Black Panthers that intimidated voters by standing guard in front of a polling place in military type garb and brandishing weapons there may indeed be bloodshed in the run up to the 2010 and 2012 elections. After all, it was their leader, Barack Obama, who said in June of 2008, “if they bring a knife you being a gun.” Hmmm…do you suppose Bill Clinton called Obama to warn that he might be inspiring violence back then?

While the left has a field day labeling and smearing right wingers, independents and democrats expressing their displeasure and downright anger about the state of our country under this government you should know that Tea Partiers in Oregon are pretty tolerant of their critics:

“Tea Partiers Seek ‘Teachable Moment,’ Not Oregon Teacher’s Job,” by Jana Winter –

The Tea Partiers are taking the high road. Just because Oregon middle school teacher Jason Levin has publicly denounced them as a bunch of “racists, homophobes and morons,” they say that’s no reason for him to lose his job. All Levin really needs, they say, is some sensitivity training and some anger management therapy.

Now this is a fitting response! It shows that Tea Partiers understand and will suggest the politically correct practices and methods for dealing with anger. It demonstrates a willingness to “work with” those with opposing views and more importantly, it reveals the lighter, more compassionate and inclusive side of Tea Partiers!

Shall I add a final “amen” to wrap up this sermon on free speech and name calling? I think it’s only fitting. The right of dissent has a good friend inHillary Clinton who expressed quite loudly, some would say withscreeching anger, her opinion on the right to “agree or disagree” for all Americans!

Amen to that! Note to Hillary…your husband needs a good talking to!

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