All Good Things Must End


This was taken last year and the above soldiers are just a few of the fine young men and women it has been my sincere privilege to serve with over the past years.

This particular shot was from one of the Army’s National Training Center for reserves (NTC). We were just hanging out, preparing to form up and march to class. We sure did a lot of that during our stay there. Marching, marching, marching. Most of us had not marched together before, but it didn’t take us long to get it together. We looked as good as any regulars coming down the road and singing cadence, I wished I had a video I think you would have been impressed.

In the background you can see the old style barracks and to our left and not visible was the chow hall. The food there was plentiful and excellent. I’m that old guy, the company First Sergeant, and as I recall at that moment I was feeling my age.

The NTC was pretty nice overall and we were well treated. Hot showers, clean barracks and good food, life was good. The hours were a little long. For me and it was 0430 hours till 2130 hours. For the rest it was 0530 till 2130 hours and some nights we went till after 2200 hours.

This photo was in an open air rest area that was just opposite the chow hall. You could take a break, pitch horse shoes or buy a soda, if you had the time. We never did have the time. There were about 90 soldiers at this course, but many more staffing the base and more units were arriving all the time.

My military time is up and I am retiring effective this coming May, and unless we have some kind of national emergency, it’s over May 1st, 2010. It’s been great. I would recommend spending a little time in the service for anyone coming out of high school, makes you appreciate your country and it prepares you for the higher education you will receive when you get out. The pay and benefits these days is great too! If anyone has any thoughts or questions about joining, please feel free to contact me. I can probably answer most of your questions.

And now this, please endulge me as a little going away present to myself and to you:

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