They’re Attacking Arizona!

by Jack Lee


As predicted, the LW media and far left wacko’s are on the attack against Arizona’s new immigration law. Let me be clear, I’m not talking about people who question the law and want to clarify what it is and how it will work. That’s only fair and we should do that. We should closely examine all laws before and after they are passed to make sure they are exactly as advertised. I’m talking about the radicals that have this knee jerk reaction to anything that impedes open borders and the nutty officials that pander to them.

Now there is talk among certain sanctuary cities to boycott Arizona products and avoid tourism there. Lawmakers in San Francisco will vote today on a citywide boycott of the state of Arizona, in protest of its new illegal immigrant law that has spurred a backlash across the country. This is an outrage that it should even come up for a vote and if it passes it should not stand.

Could there be another issue that is more clear cut?

Entering the United States without permission is illegal. And why is it illegal in the first place? Because we want to know who is coming in! We need to know why they are here and regulate this flow so it will not have an adverse impact on social services and crime. Securing our nation’s borders and protecting our sovereignty is written into our Constitution as a primary obligation of government and for good reason. How blatantly obvious could this be? Yet, here we are, still debating with sanctuary cities run by people who refuse to think rationally. They are swayed by their emotions to do something that feels good, irrespective of the long term consequences.

This is not about racism – it’s about reason.

When we react strictly on emotion we are not engaging our higher reasoning power and for this, there will always consequences. Just look at the bad examples we have continually set in California when the feel good efforts rule the day. Now this same irrational element are allowing illegal immigrants to overwhelm us with no thought or care about the harm they are causing in the general population. They see it as embracing diversity – we see it as an invasion and we’re right. At risk is our traditional values, our economy and our national security. Could it be any more serious?

For a long time now we have known that Mexico City is a rough place, filled with pollution, poverty and crime. It has the destinction of having the highest rate of kidnappings in world, but did you ever expect that to spill over into Phoenix, Arizona? Phoenix is now in second place for kidnappings thanks to uncheck illegal immigration.

California’s newest wave of crime, gangs and drugs is concentrated within one group of people, illegal aliens coming in from our southern border. 12 of our largest cities are now drug distribution centers for Mexican cartels. It’s no secret the borders states have been hard hit by crime and drugs and their economies have been serverely compromised; there’s a plethora of information about the costs of illegal immigration, if you care to look.

Barrack Obama, called AZ’s new law unwise, although in the same sentence he admitted the federal government has failed to do its sworn duty to protect our borders. Today it was revealed that the Governor of Arizona has sent three letters to the President petitioning for help in dealing with the flood of illegal’s and the crime they’re bringing. Those letters did not even receive the courtesy of a reply. This is why I’m asking we do everything we can to throw the bums out of office. Let’s protest any elected official who opposes Arizona’s immigration law and boycott their cities, starting with the sanctuary cities like San Francisco.


Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a measure that would require immigrants to carry documents verifying their immigration status. It would also require police officers to question a person about his or her immigration status if there is “reasonable suspicion” that person may be illegally in the country.

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