Why Such Lack of Regard for Our Allies?

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Posted by Tina

What is President Obama thinking? What vision does he embrace that would cause him to treat our friends and allies around the world with such obvious disregard? He has been dismissive, ungracious, and at times downright rude. The following article counts the ways:

“Pivotal Allies Adrift” – IBD

For friends such as Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu, it meant an inhospitable visit to the White House. For revered religious leaders, like the Dalai Lama, it meant a demeaning escort out the White House back door, through garbage. A wartime partner, like Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai, found himself loudly held up to public scorn. ** These aren’t just gaffes. They’re messages. And they’re having an effect. Some of the U.S.’ most potentially useful new allies, such as Ukraine, Colombia and India, democracies with high hopes for close American ties, are now defensively moving away. ** They’re not becoming enemies. But they’re getting distant — electing leaders less eager to be friends and seeking alliances with other big powers. One that stands out is Russia, the chess player of nations, which grasps strategy (and empire) well.

When we add President Obama’s tendency to bow, both literally and rhetorically, to those countries that are our enemies or at least less friendly it becomes troubling. Obamas behavior sends a clear and terrible message to our friends. It sends me a message that this president doesn’t have America’s best interests, or the interests of democracy and freedom, in mind.

I’m compelled to ask, “‘Hope and change’ for whom, Mr. President? Why such disregard for America’s allies and friends? And why the big hugs for enemies sworn to do America great harm?”

Why indeed! I think Americans deserve a clear precise answer to these questions.

AFP/Getty Image

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