La Raza – The “Northern Front Inside the Belly of the Beast”

Posted by Tina

“We are the culture of revolutionary spirit” yells a man believed to be Ron Gochez, a Los Angeles high school social studies teacher. He is speaking at a rally on the UCLA campus. Aligning himself with the Marxists leaders Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Che Guevera and others he claims the enemy is capitalism & Imperialism and says they are responsible for death and depravity in Africa and in nations south of our borders. He calls for revolution in the United States. Does he seem serious to you?

This man’s job is made possible by the capitalist system he willingly lives under. This man’s livelihood depends on that capitalist system. The many companies and businesses that make up our capitalist system create wealth, opportunity, innovation, jobs, and the large tax base that he depends on to put food on his table and a roof over his head. Without capitalism he would not be getting the pay he gets as a teacher. This man also fails to compare the conditions now present in Hugo Chavez ‘s Venezuela with the conditions that exist and have existed in America for generations. He is not oppressed! The people he talks about who are have suffered and continue to suffer under the Marxist governments of harsh dictators. This is what this man wants for America but I ask you, when (if) this revolution succeeds and America is gone who will stand up for the oppressed around the world then? Who will stand for freedom? Do Americans have the smarts and the strength to push back this revolutionary movement? Will we as a nation stand up for freedom…will you?

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