Patriot or Good Citizen?


Posted by Tina

“40% Say Being a Good Citizen is Different From Being a Patriot” – Rasmussen Reports

Forty-percent (40%) of voters nationwide say that being a good citizen and being a patriot are the same thing. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that another 40% disagree and 19% are not sure. **


Most Republicans say they’re one and the same. Most Democrats say they’re not, and voters not affiliated with either party are split down the middle. ** Voters over 50 tend to see the terms as having the same meaning, while those under 40 disagree. Forty-somethings are evenly divided. ** Given a choice, 52% say they’d rather be called a good citizen, while 28% prefer being known as a patriot.

Apparently many people under the age of 40 don’t have strong feelings of patriotism. Being a good citizen is important and patriotism pretty much irrelevant. Any thoughts on what that might mean and what it might mean for our country in twenty to thirty years?

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