History Repeats

Posted by Tina

We’ve heard it all of our lives and if we’re old enough we’ve seen that it’s true, history repeats itself. We study history in a vain attempt to notice patterns and avoid pitfalls that lead to disaster. We’ve been here before; teetering on the brink of financial disaster. What will we do? What can, or will, you do to help avoid another long depression?

Forewarned is forearmed so we can begin by being cognizant of the world around us and we can then compare the events of the day to historically similar times. Alan Snyder at Big Government sketches out a warning by dredging up the past. From the article, “Wittaker Chambers: The New Deal as Revolution” quoting Wittaker Chambers:

It was not a revolution by violence. It was a revolution by bookkeeping and lawmaking. In so far as it was successful, the power of politics had replaced the power of business. This is the basic power shift of all the revolutions of our time. This shift was the revolution.

Before the election of 2008 President Obama signaled his intention for the nation when he said he was going to “…stand up in this election to bring about the change that won’t just win an election, but will transform America.”

After two years I’m seeing a destinct pattern. Transformation by “bookkeeping and lawmaking” anyone?

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