DC Students’ Magnum Demands


Posted by Tina

Most school districts in today’s economy are experiencing major cutbacks and finding new ways to economize. In Washington DC it’s…different:

Teens in DC were bummed that they had to ask the school nurse for their FREE condoms. It was embarrassing…like asking your mom or your grandma! The other complaint was that the FREE Durex condoms weren’t good enough…or BIG enough! (They demanded Trojan Magnums)

Naturally school administrators got right on it, snapped to, and have now made special accommodations for these very active kids. According to health officials and consumer advocates the less expensive Durex condoms work just as well as the Trojan Magnum but DC officials seem more than happy to give the little darlings exactly what they want. Who cares if it costs a few thousand dollars more every year…after all, it’s only money!

Any chance we can get these students to study as strenuously as they petition for condoms? I suppose we do have to make allowances for the fact that they live in Washington DC…the lobbying capitol of the world!

Reportedly, 3% of the residents in this district have HIV. That’s reason enough to encourage teenagers to use condoms. But with these rates of HIV, and the probable high prevalence of other STD’s, it’s pretty clear that DC folk are not using protection. I don’t expect the expensive brand will change that unhappy outcome much for these teens.

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