Butte County Election Results

by Jack Lee


This years state wide elections was underscored by bored billionaires looking to buy elections. The Governor’s race was won by wealthy moderate Meg Whitman-R verses the solidly left of center old time political hack, Jerry Brown-D.

Lt. Governor – Democrat Gavin Newsom (SF fame) and Republican Abel Maldonado will face off this November in the lieutenant governor’s race. While Newsom led among local and state Democratic voters. Sam Aanestad won big in his senate district counties where people knew him, but he lacked the money to mount a credible state-wide campaign. So once again it was money, not talent that won the day. Aanestad is likely washed up in politics after he finishes his term as senator. He will be termed out of holding a seat in the senate or assembly. It’s too bad, because on the whole Aanestad had done a pretty good job.

Carly Fiorina-R, former Hewlett-Packard CEO also won in the race for a U.S. Senate seat and will have to face Sen. Barbara Boxer-D. Expect an very expensive race, Fiorina, like Meg Whitman, is loaded with cash.

Wally Herger-R won over challenger Pete Stiglich. There was a rumor that Wally was angry when Keene endorsed Stiglich and that is why he broke his tradition of not endorsing in a primary and backed LaMalfa. However, we have since had information come in that proves this was just what it was…a rumor. See comments from Pete Stiglich, he confirmed that Keene did not endorse him.

The big surprise was the defeat of Rick Keene by Doug LaMalfa for the Senate. Voters rewarded the man who said “He’s one of us” over the lawyerly skills of Keene. Is this the end for Mr. Keene? We doubt it, this is the first time he’s lost an election and I’m sure that smarts, but chances are his team is reforming and looking for Plan B.

Dan Logue-R will face re-election against democrat challenger Mickey Harrington. This is a republican district and short of a scandal Logue is going to be the sure winner.

In the 2nd Supervisorial race Larry Wahl trounced 8 term incumbent Jane Dolan. This has to be one of the biggest upsets in Butte County history. Dolan had been thought to be untouchable, but it looks like voters had enough of people who stay too long in politics. The 3rd District race was won by incumbent Maureen Kirk-D against first time candidate Erny Spears-R. Erny garnered 36% which was very credible considering his low budget campaign and this being his first election bid ever. I hope Erny will be back, he has a lot of potential.

Yes 13 Property Taxes and Seismic Retrofit of Buildings 3,200,194 84.5% 588,582 15.5%
Yes 14 Primary Election Participation 2,077,100 54.2% 1,761,410 45.8%
No 15 California Fair Elections Act 1,593,698 42.5% 2,147,745 57.5%
No 16 Local Electricity Providers 1,830,278 47.5% 2,015,297 52.5%
No 17 Auto Insurance Pricing 1,848,768 47.9% 2,004,410 52.1%

Other than the marijuana legalization vote that comes up in Nov, Prop 14 is the other big vote this year. Prop 14 changes the political landscape and not for the better.. It threatens to destroy the 3rd parties in CA. For years Californians have tried to do something to reform corrupt practices here and every proposition that passed was met with lawsuits that eventually reversed the vote of the people. I think Prop 14 was an act of desperation in a state willing to try anything, but this won’t help. You can’t kick out all the little guys (3rd parties) and think you’ve done something good for democracy.

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