More on the Border Shooting

By Jack Lee

Update on the border shooting –

CNN -“Shortly after the boy was shot, Mexican security forces arrived at the scene and pointed their guns at the Border Patrol agents across the riverbank while bystanders screamed insults and hurled rocks and firecrackers, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. She said the agents were forced to withdraw. Our agents on our soil were forced to retreat for their safety? Hmmm.

“It pretty quickly got very intense over on the Mexican side,” she said, adding that FBI agents showed up later and resumed the investigation, even as Mexican authorities pointed guns at them from across the river.’ No protests or condemnation was heard coming from anyone near the White House. Hmmmm.


(scene of shooting on left) T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing about 17,000 agents and support staffers, said frequent rock attacks have the “capacity to inflict serious damage, if not death.” He said the agent in question is a seven-year veteran, Bonner said he appears to have acted properly. Bonner said U.S. records show the Mexican boy had been arrested six times on charges related to human smuggling or illegal entry.

The area in which the shooting took place is supposed to be a secure area. There is an 8 foot chain link fence on both sides and no one should be in that area except for police, so whats this teen doing there with those illegals who were trying to sneak across?

Of lesser interest to both Mexican and American news media was a shoot-out between rival drug cartels in the north-western state of Sinaloa that left nine dead, including six peasant farmers caught in the crossfire. That was on Saturday and I bet you never heard about it, huh? Then on Sunday: gunmen burst into a wedding in a small rural town in the southern state of Guerrero, killing five. Also no big, never even made the border papers. Monday: Hitmen targeted two people driving in Ciudad Jurez. The scene recalls the murder of three people linked to the US consulate 10 days earlier. And just yesterday, Mexican authorities say dozens of bodies have been recovered from an abandoned mine that became a dumping ground for apparent victims of Mexico’s drug violence. Six more bodies were found in another Cancun cave. They were all stabbed in the heart. And when an America couple was murdered in cold blood in Jurez 3 months ago, no comment of condolences came from Mexico’s president, there was no outrage and the media hardly made mention of it.

Why not write a letter to President Obama and let him know how you feel about this?

Over 2000 Mexicans have been murdered by the drug cartels so far in 2010. In 2009 there were 6,500 murders by drug gangs and 5000 the year before that. But, this all pales by comparison to what happened on the US border and that single shooting has outraged an entire nation. Imagine the horror…. a teenage Mexican delinquent was somehow shot by a Border Patrol Agent trying to make an arrest while being hit by rocks. Now that IS big news and to think this “national tragedy” was in some way probably caused by Arizona passing a new immigration law. This has led to great consternation, sorrow and grief that is understandably overwhelming the peaceful people of Mexico and our ankle biting liberals across the USA.

Back in Washington — Attorney General Eric Holder offered his condolences and said the fatal shooting of a Mexican teenager by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on the banks of the Rio Grande was “extremely regrettable.” Which in my world implies we did something wrong, and the comes before the case has been investigated. At the same time Mr. Holder put on his most concerned and forlorn face for a media photo op. “I actually thought Eric Holder was going to pucker up and cry as he was “apologizing” for our agents doing their job!! This entire administration makes me sick to my stomach! Selling us down the drain and doing everythig they can to destroy America!” (quote taken from one of the reader comments on this news story.)

Holder did not say anything about the Mexican police crossing into the US to steal evidence nor about the brandishing of firearms and threatening our FBI agents. Oddly, our news media also missed asking him about those things too. Brandishing a firearm in a rude and threatening manner is an arrestable offense here, but when it’s done by Mexico’s policia aimed at our law enforcement, well, then it’s perfectly acceptable??? It must be, othewise I’m sure the White House would have had some to say about it, afterall they’re always so quick to comment on everything else the police do. The stench of hypocracy in the White House is overwhelming.

On the other side of the border the Mexican media failed to ask, why this teen was in a restricted area throwing rocks at US police trying to make an arrest? They also failed to ask why later on Mexican police crossed into the US and retrieved the shell casing which they planted near the body or why they (Policia) pointed loaded guns at their brother police officers on the US side of the border? I guess it really doesn’t matter does it? Nah, it really doesn’t matter when your only agenda is to villify a nation.

Lastly, and for the record, I acknowledge its a shame that a 15 Mexican kid was shot. In a perfect world such things would never happen, but before we lay all the blame on our Border Patrol, where were his parents when this happened? And where were they when he was busted the other 6 times, playing a very dangerous game of smuggling humans? Seems like they might bear some culpability too, but thats out-of-date old fashioned accountability, isn’t it? Least that seems to be the message coming from the White House. .


My mom used to always tell me that life is not fair. I thought I was being clever and original when one day I replied, “I know it is not a fair, it is a circus. This situation on the border is a circus, complete with clowns and a high wire act.

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