A Showdown Approaches, Iran v Israel

by Jack Lee


For over 50 years we’ve had a blockade imposed on Cuba for being a Communist regime on our doorstep. Many of our trading partners have been part of this, making it collective punishment. Prior to the Iraq war the UN had a box around Iraq, another blockade – collective punishment.

When Iran embarked on its nuclear program, the UN responded with a blockade, again, it was collective punishment. And Arizona dared to enforce the law of the land and exert sovereignty over its citizens, the Hispanic dominated city council of Los Angeles called for collective punishment of Arizona and San Francisco joined them.

The UN still has a blockade on North Korea for their nuclear proliferation violations (more collective punishment) and have we forgotten about what apartheid got South Africa and Rhodesia? These are all forms of a blockade or collective punishment, but when Israel seeks to impose a blockade on Gaza the world is outraged because it is a “collective punishment.” The U.N. Human Rights Council calls this a crime against humanity.

Israel’s blockade did not occur in a political vacuum – there was a good reason. It can be traced directly to a well known terrorist organization, Hamas. Hama seized power over Palestinians through violence. And while many high minded liberals are always so quick to point violence solves nothing when the US is involved, there was no world condemnation of Hamas. This is incredibly perverted ethics, yet it’s completely predictable. Imagine, this was a brutal, bloody coup to oust a duly elected government and our leftist critics around the world and on every college campus in the US had nary a thing to say about it?

When the coup was over and the blood was wiped from the streets, Israel came into their sights and the Qassam missiles (artillery rockets) were launched indiscriminately at civilian targets within Israel. This rain of terror continued unabated for years and many innocent civilians, men, women and children were killed. Collective punishment and the leftist world was silent once again.

Eventually after every diplomatic overture had failed, Israel finally said enough and launched a military incursion to stop the rain of missiles and what happened? They were of course denounced as the aggressors! But, at least the missile attacks stopped and they continue to be stopped thanks to Israel’s blockade. This is because of one reason, the blockade worked to stop the flow of arms and rockets to Hamas. All humanitarian cargo has been allowed through.

Last week the Israelis boarded five ship from Turkey for cargo inspections and they were met with violence and 9 pro-Palestinian activists were killed. This was a huge propaganda victory for Hamas. But, when Israel said it would release the “humanitarian” cargo Hamas said keep it. But, why? This is desperately needed cargo, right? Because it’s lost its propaganda value, and because it’s been sullied by Jewish hands that’s why. This part has had little media attention and it seems unimportant, so the “usual suspects” ranting against Israel have not been held accountable or even challenged for their blatant hypocrisy by our [impartial] news media.


Now enters Iran. They are long term sponsors of subversive terrorism in the Middle East and the avowed enemy of Israel. 8 Iranian ships are headed for the Gaza to run the blockade. According to Iran the ships contain “humanitarian” aid and their intent is to break the Jewish hold on the Gaza strip. If Israel attempts to stop the ships Iran will claim it is a provocation for war, and Iran is or will soon be a nuclear power. Their president (shown at left with an American hostage from the US embassy 1977) has given speech after speech calling for the complete destruction of Israel. Israel stands alone and a showdown approaches.

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