EPA Classifies Cows Milk as Oil…mmmmboo!

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Posted by Tina

In case you were unsure about the idiocy of those running the Environmental Protection Agency I’ve got proof!

As reported in the Grand Rapids Press they have decided that milk is so dangerous that requires extra special (read very expensive) containment tanks. Don’t know whether to weep…laugh myself silly…or both! How many millions of danger warnings have we been treated to over the years? Makes me realize by golly that something is gonna getcha…salt, fat, sugar, eggs, fast food, cigarettes, chemicals of all kinds, cell phones, SUV’s, meat, poultry, oil, the sun…are they all truly monsters in the closet or has the hype gottten totally out of hand?

Here’s the latest nutty thing from the EPA:

“EPA Classifies Milk as Oil Forcing Costly Rules on Farmers,” by Monica Scott

Update: State Senate calls for EPA to change rule classifying cow’s milk as oil ** GRAND RAPIDS — Having watched the oil gushing in the Gulf of Mexico, dairy farmer Frank Konkel has a hard time seeing how spilled milk can be labeled the same kind of environmental hazard. ** But the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is classifying milk as oil because it contains a percentage of animal fat, which is a non-petroleum oil. ** The Hesperia farmer and others would be required to develop and implement spill prevention plans for milk storage tanks. The rules are set to take effect in November, though that date might be pushed back. ** Gayle Miller, legislative director of Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, said agricultural pollution probably is the nation’s most severe chronic problem when it comes to water pollution. ** “Milk is wholesome in a child’s body. It is devastating in a waterway,” Miller said. “The fact that it’s biodegradable is irrelevant if people die as a result of cryptosporidium, beaches close for E. coli and fish are killed.”

Sounds a bit like the exagerations over DDT which resulted in the banning of that product world wide and eventually the deaths of millions of people.

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