Mosque to be Built Near Ground Zero

by Jack Lee

Just two blocks from ground zero, where the once mighty Trade Towers stood, where over 3000 people died on 9/11 another new Islamic Center (Mosque) is being built. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who leads the effort, contends that the center with facilities open to all will help promote understanding.

C. Lee Hanson, 77, whose son Peter was killed in the attacks, said he opposed the center not because he was intolerant, but because he believed that building a tribute to Islam so close to the World Trade Center would be insensitive.

“The pain never goes away,” Mr. Hanson said. “When I look over there and I see a mosque, it’s going to hurt. Build it someplace else.”

Some New Yorkers have expressed concern about what they are calling the “Islamification of America” and that the Center is, “a shrine to the ideology that inspired 9/11.” They contend building a Mosque this close to ground zero is callous and ludicrous.

Imam Rauf thinks its time for the victims to move on and having a Mosque just two blocks from the Trade Tower’s site will actually help them.

This Mosque is sure to attract a certain kind of attention. And you know what I mean. I can envision the faithful coming from all over world just to see a Mosque located so close to where the Trade Towers stood and then smirking at the Trade Towers site.

If those who are behind this project think this location was good, then they would probably be beside themselves if it were being built on ground zero. Sure, why not, hey that property has been vacant for almost 10 years and I bet they could get a real good price for the land. A win-win. Maybe they could build two Mosques side by side? We might even invite Osama Bin Laden to attend the ribbon cutting! Hey 9/11, that was no big, what’s a few thousand muderers anyway? Let bye gones be bye gones.

For more on this story, click here.

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