Plan A Safe Vacation – Be Careful Where You Go

by Jack Lee

Many of us are planning family vacations this summer and we’ll be traveling to some of the most exotic and interesting places in the world. However, Homeland Security has a word of caution for you. Homeland says, please be careful where you go. Some popular tourist areas are not safe anymore. You or a family member could be killed or kidnapped, if you venture into the wrong place.


I’m not talking about overseas travel that is old news; we all know what big targets Americans are in some countries. I’m talking about National Parks…right here, right in America! That’s right, our own beloved National Parks, home of scenic treasures and natural wonders. In particular you better watch out in Arizona. There’s that word again, AZ, its becoming a front line in a shooting war.

The US Park Service has ceded control of thousands of acres to drug cartels, illegal immigrants and smugglers and narco-terrorists. Our Park Rangers are well trained at giving pleasant campfire talks, shoot-outs with drug cartels using machineguns, eh, not so good. They are out gunned literally and some park lands are overrun by bad guys and as a result are now off limits to you.

The federal government closed a portion of a US park in Arizona four years ago due to violence along the Mexican border. In October of 2006, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service closed a 3,500 acre portion of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. More recently we have surrendered another 80 miles of territory to the drug cartels that use this area for smuggling. So things aren’t going to well for us, no let me rephrase that in a more accurate vernacular, we’re getting our butts kicked by gangsters.

Mexican drug cartels are operating in large areas of southern Arizona, and in many areas out-right control the area. But, wait a sec, were we not just told that Arizona has no illegal immigrant problem and the federal government is enough to handle things?
And were we not told the only problem in Arizona is the cops who might profile a citizen and force them to produce some ID? And this is why the feds have announced they will challenge AZ law to protect you! Well, don’t believe it and be careful where you go, especially in AZ. Stay our of those national parks near the border and don’t hang out in Phoenix too long, because your odds of being kidnapped are the worst outside of Mexico City.

On the birght side, if you’re tired of driving around in your old family car, you can simply park it on the street in almost any border town in AZ and in about 10 minutes it will miraculously disappear…forever. However, if you park your family in some National Parks in AZ … you all might disappear…forever.

Via con Dios Americano tourista.

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