More Government Bureaucratic Incompetence and Waste

Posted by Tina

A dollar here, a dollar there, pretty soon we’re talking real money!

New York – More than 1,200 prison inmates, including 241 serving life sentences, defrauded the government of $9.1 million in tax credits reserved for first-time homebuyers, according to a Treasury Department report released Wednesday. Treasury’s inspector general also found that thousands of people filed multiple claims or made claims outside the allotted time period. In all, more than $28 million was improperly doled out. – CNN

If it happens with this program it likely happens in all of them! More often than not these things are never discovered. How sick have you become, Mr. and Mrs. America, at having your hard earned dollars mismanaged, wasted, stolen and thrown down a rabbit hole?

Big government just doesn’t work! Big government Democrat policies are simply wasteful and wrong!

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