House Passes Unconstitutional Campaign Finance Bill

Posted by Tina

Democrats are up to their usual tricks again, making backroom deals to pass legislation that would, by granting special advantages to some groups, give them an election advantage.

Before you leftists have a cow you should know NRA members on the right are pi**ed about the NRA’s participation in this monstrously unconstitutional piece of legislation!!! Politico has the scoop…(emphasis mine):


Overcoming opposition from within their own ranks, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Democratic leaders pushed through a controversial campaign finance reform bill on Thursday on a 219 to 206 vote. ** The DISCLOSE Act – Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Election – will require corporations, labor unions, trade associations and advocacy groups to publicly declare their role in TV ads or mass mailings during the closing months of a political campaign, including where the money is coming from to pay for such activities. Foreign-controlled corporations and big government contractors would also be barred from paying for such political activities.
But the bill exempts the National Rifle Association, unions and other special interests from all or part of the legislation, which Republicans charged was the product of “backroom deals” and Democrats said was necessary to get the bill passed. Floor debate over the bill was heated, with both sides accusing the other of acting in bad faith and using the fight to advance their own partisan agendas.

According to Hugh Hewitt, who teaches constitutional law, the government cannot make laws that “pick winners and losers”…he goes on to remind us of the Supremes recent ruling regarding the first ammendment…”Congress shall make no law abridging…free speech”.

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