Tourist Warnings from the BLM in AZ (Did you ever think you would see the day?)

TUCSON – Warnings are out in parts of Arizona warning alerting you of possible danger.
The Bureau of Land Management is putting up signs, along Interstate 8 between Gila Bend and Stanfield.

Kathy Pedrick from the Bureau of Land Management says the signs went up because of recent incidents along the border south of I-8.
She says, “there was a Pinal County Sheriff’s deputy shot at, there’s been some homicides recently with some of the smugglers.”

The signs warn the public they could encounter smugglers or individuals who may be armed.

Gilbert Meehl believes the signs are a good idea especially for those who aren’t familiar with the area. He says, “those who pull off the road from another state to take their picture with a cactus and they travel down one of these roads, there’s no telling what they can run into.”

The signs also warn people to stay away from trash, clothing, backpacks and abandoned vehicles.

Officials say the reason the area has become such a hot bed of activity because it’s close to the interstate, and smugglers can get drugs and people into vehicles and then quickly head off to Phoenix or San Diego.

The signs also warn people not to confront anyone looking suspicious and to call 911 instead.

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