Movement Aims to Stop AB32 (Calif. version of Cap & Trade)

Re: Suspend AB32 Moves Forward

Dear Post Scripts Readers,

Suspend AB 32 makes the ballot! Now it’s time for action!

The Secretary of State has just certified that the California Jobs Initiative campaign to suspend AB 32 will be on the ballot this November! The thousands of Tea Party Patriots who signed and circulated Suspend AB 32 petitions deserve a big pat on the back!

AB 32 is California’s version of cap and trade. It is the most draconian regulatory regime in state history and will cost the average family nearly $4000 a year while killing over 1 million jobs. AB 32 furthermore empowers an unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy (CARB) to tell us what to eat, what to drive and where to live.

However, the fight ahead will not be easy. Powerful interests know that if we can stop AB 32 here, we can stop cap and trade in Washington. The world is watching and powerful eco-left special interests are already marshalling their forces to kill the California Jobs Initiative.

Here are a few things we need you to do NOW to show the strength and power of the movement for freedom and jobs: Join the California Jobs Initiative Facebook fan page (the number of supporters is seen as an indication of the popular support of the initiative. Cap and trade supporters will easily push THEIR numbers over 200,000. We need to outdo them and WITHOUT the help of the establishment media, academia or the government). Join the page here, then suggest it to all your friends:

Join the Suspend AB 32 E-team activist army. Join the e-team, so you can be informed about the needs for action in defense of our freedom and jobs. You also will be first to know when bumper stickers, yard signs and other campaign materials become available:
Join the California Jobs Initiative Twitter feed if you are on Twitter (the numbers of Twitter followers like fans on Facebook indicates strength):

These are a few action items to begin with. This campaign is going to be an intense and difficult fight, but we have already one a major victory by placing this on the ballot. No longer can the left-wing political establishment take our money and our freedom without us fighting back.


Ginny Rapini
NorCal Tea Party Patriots Coordinator
California State Advisor
Sacramento Tea Party Patriot Coordinator
P.O. Box 236
Colfax, CA 95713
(530) 389-2464

“It is precisely in the nonsense of our days that God speaks to us words of great significance.”
F. Buecher

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