Hillary on Taxing the Rich


Posted by Tina

“The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues (as the United States) — whether it’s individual, corporate or whatever the taxation forms are.” ** That’s consistent with the economic thinking that candidate Obama revealed during an unscripted moment in the presidential campaign: “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everyone.” ** Hillary went on to cite Brazil as a model to imitate. “Brazil has the highest tax-to-GDP rate in the Western Hemisphere, and guess what — they’re growing like crazy,” she said. “And the rich are getting richer, but they’re pulling people out of poverty.”Investors Business Daily

Hillary darling, you need only show us the way. You are reportedly worth around $34. Million. You and Bill can donate the bulk of your fortune to the government coffers at any time. No need to wait for legislation…just write out those checks.

See if you really believed spreading the wealth around worked you’d be doing it!

Oh and by the way, as the article goes on to mention, it is Cuba that has the highest tax-to-GDP ratio and Cuba is “not growing like crazy and there’s still a shortage of fish even though the country is surrounded by water.”

As far as comparative tax rates go here’s the accurate scoop: “The top marginal tax rate on income in Brazil is 27.5%, a substantially lower rate than the 35% (and soon to be 39.6%) top rate in the United States.”

Why do these people continue to lie? Because they do love to spread the wealth around…that’s the fun part. They get to stand on the world stage looking big and important. They get to use a lot of lofty sounding words to prove what caring people they are. The thing is they don’t want to spread their own money…they want yours and your neighbors and your cousins and your neighbors cousins…and so on and so on and…… Anyone that makes a dime and would like to work his way into Hillary’s tax bracket is a BIG target. She has hers (they have theirs) so what do they care what your dreams (and charities) might be.

Our government doesn’t have the right to just take as much as they can get away with, not even from the rich…and they won’t either…unless YOU let them!

God only asks 10% from each household…how arrogant these people are!!!

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