A Comment Worthy of Page One

by Soaps (A PS reader)

The Arizona law was carefully written by a Constitutional scholar to precisely track the US law. Ultimately, the Supreme Court can no more find it unconstitutional than they could declare the federal laws unconstitutional. The only difference is that it will be enforced, whereas the federal laws are not, due to politics. But, as Jack has pointed out, even in California the local police have the authority to enforce the federal law. They just don’t do it. The lawsuit filed by Obama’s DOJ is a loser. It’s based on the “supremacy clause,” which gives the federal government supreme authority over certain laws. However, it does not give the fed exclusive authority. Any state can also

enact laws, as long as they do not contradict the federal law. That issue was decided in previous Supreme Court rulings. The Arizona law does not contradict. However, there are many local laws that do contradict federal law regarding illegal immigration. Every city that has a sanctuary policy, whether officially stated or not, is in direct contradiction to the federal laws. Why does the Ombama team not file action against those sanctuary cities? Same reason they dismissed the Black Panther case. Pure, unprincipled, racial politics.

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