The Long, Hard Road Back from the Abyss

by Jack Lee

(Thanks go to my Tea Party friends on the Federal Committee for our conversation last night, you inspired this commentary)


In November Republicans have a good opportunity to recapture some Senate and Congressional seats thanks to unpopular policies like Obama-care, tax-hikes, wealth redistribution and failed immigration policies. And here’s the irony, chances are when the public gets fed up with the Republican failed polices, then they’ll get booted right back out too. The see-saw of power continues.

What is less likely to see-saw are the seats held by real conservatives like Ron and Rand Paul and it would behoove Republican politicians everywhere to learn why. For starters, they embrace simple Libertarian principles and they really mean it. There’s no going along to get along, there’s no selling out to special interests to raise millions for their campaigns, they don’t believe in pork barrel spending, kick backs, quid-pro-quo deals and a half dozen other things that moderate RINO’s assume is just part of the job.

There’s absolutely no reason to elect RINO’s, they are only diluting the conservative cause.

For others like the Ron Paul’s of this country, there’s no dilution, because winning isn’t everything. They would rather die than to surrender their principles. Voters can respect that, even if they don’t always agree with them. Voters also value their radical honesty and integrity because it is so rare amid the hypocrisy that is endemic in Washington. The voters know where these representatives are coming from before every vote in Congress and they can take heart in the trust and confidence that consistency engenders.

The message Republican’s must learn is, being the lesser of two evils is not good enough!

Republicans frequently proclaim the high moral ground of less government and then they regulate, tax and grow government. And to add insult, they hold press conferences and send out constituent newsletters claiming credit for “doing something” to fix a problem, even if the solution exacerbates the problem or is diametrically opposed to their stated philosophy. This does not foster trust and it won’t win future elections.

It’s not enough to rely on the misdeeds of the opposition to carrying Republicans into power; they must stand for something and follow through on their promises. That means they must embrace fiscal responsibility and stick with it. They must secure our borders – forget amnesty – enforce the damned law and drop kick those illegal sanctuary cities into the sunset! They must halt these wasteful, bureaucratic, socialist programs and unfunded mandates that have all but ruined European economies. And they better abide by the Constitution in all that they do or this go nowhere political see-saw will resume.

The bottom line: Republican’s must stand up for their principles to regain their credibility and their integrity – that’s not too much to ask in exchange for our vote, is it?

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