But, It’s Okay to Kill a Cop

by Jack Lee

E-R headline story today: Stacy Lynn Taylor, 23, was reportedly driving west on Interstate 80 near Sacramento when she suddenly changed lanes…this put Taylor’s car into the path of a vehicle driven by off-duty deputy Kelly Lynne Allen Lara, 43 who was killed. The Willows resident pleaded no contest Monday to involvement in a traffic accident She was sentenced to 150 hours of community service time. Compare that to the BART officer’s conviction of involuntary manslaughter, do you see any difference?

Clearly it was a gross mistake resulting in a death, just like the BART cop shooting. But, in this case the public is so compassionate and understanding when it was a cop that was killed by accident by a civilian. Heck, it was just one of those tragic mistakes give her a slap on the wrist. (And thats fine, but, nobody felt that way on the BART officer’s jury did they? No way.)

And the feds are now looking into trying the BART officer again under a federal law!!! Thats double jeopardy. Give me a break…what an outrage.

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