Post Scripts…more than a blog

We bring you news and views that you won’t find anywhere else. Post Scripts…more than a blog.

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3 Responses to Post Scripts…more than a blog

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    Quite the contrary.
    I can find these stories and opinions on a any number of other websites: Drudge, Breitbart, Washington Times, FAUX News,
    Where is the originality?
    Most everything on this site is cut and pasted–just a rehash, actually.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    You didn’t see that Stockton story anywhere but here, and we do that kind of thing on a regular basis.

    The Raymond Royal Rife story was a very unusual original piece.

    The reloading story was an original.

    Frequent stock tips…all originals.

    There’s tons of original stories or stories you would not find in the MSM that appear here.

  3. Peggy says:

    So, why do you read it? You are again a contrzdiction of your own words.

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