by Jack Lee

Predictably… and something believed by almost everyone except Barrack Obama, just as soon as our combat forces began their withdrawl from Iraq the subversive elements have been flexing their muscles.

This week has been the bloodiest for Iraqi defense forces in two years. Subversives seem to be attacking at will. 12 locations were hit in one day as a demonstration of their power. Iraqi checkpoints around Baghdad were widely reported as being lax. Iraq soldiers waved cars through without spot checking anybody. They were observed to be standing away from thier weapons left at rest and they generally seemed to oblivious to any danger.

My guess is the current government won’t last 10 minutes when the last of our troops are pulled out and everything we’ve done at the cost of thousands of American lives won’t amount to zip. Lets hope I’m wrong, but I doubt I am.

On another front President Obama’s announcement of a US withdrawl date has been a huge moral boost for the Taliban, says the Commandant of Marine Corps yesterday. Wait a sec, did you hear that? The Commandant of the United States Marine Corps just said Obama has lifted the spirits of the Taliban enemy by setting a withdrawl date. Good thing he’s retiring or he would be another great military leader critical of Obama’s screwups getting fired.

Taliban attacks have been on the increase for the last 6 months….it started with Obama’s demand for “courageous restraint” where he authorized a medal for not returning fire when being fired upon, then there was the halt on air strikes and now this? Yeah, the Taliban have reasons to be real happy. But, I’m not.

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  1. Peggy says:

    On another front President Obama’s announcement of a US withdrawl date has been a huge moral boost for the Taliban, says the Commandant of Marine Corps yesterday.

    Which is probably reflective of many other commanders, NCOs and soldiers with a similar belief. But, who are afraid to voice their opinion for fear of suffering the same reprisal as McChrystal.

    My personal preference is more in line with Ron Pauls, to bring our troops home to defend our own borders. I can not see spending $700 billion dollars in overseas defense every year trying to force other nations to accept our political views. Would rather welcome those that want to join us and become citizens while using our troops to protect us from terrorist, illegal drug cartels and illigal immigrants .

    The additional economic boost of stationing our troops to our borders would mean theyd spend their salaries in the US, and even buy houses during this RE bust time with VA benefits, helping the foreclosure and housing market.

  2. Libby says:

    Whoooa. Back up fella. Who was it thought that with Saddam off their backs the Iraqis would embrace western democracy? Why those BushCo NeoCons, that’s who.

    And who’s been saddled with an Iraq incapable of forming a government many, many months after the last election? The OA. Now, whatever the OA decides to do about the present situation should in no way obliviate identity of the cause of the catastrophe … those BushCo NeoCons.

    Just so we have it clearly.

    And you should realize, if you can, that what’s in the works now is entirely political, entirely diplomatic, and that the bombings, etc., are only political embroideries upon a process to which we are not privy.

    You just hope that somehow it all works out. Cause if it don’t, history is going to be making no bones about which moronic American administration is to blame.

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