Students Gored?

Posted by Tina
Oh brother…the guy just can’t catch a break…but what I want to know is how did it ever get built? What strings were pulled…who looked the other way? Who’s palm was greased? Any developer will tell you that in California this just wouldn’t have been allowed for any other project, not without an expensive clean-up first!

“Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences built on toxic soil” – Politico

Conservative corners of the internet are buzzing over a Los Angeles school named after former Vice President Al Gore that was built on toxic soil and, some say, poses a health risk to students. The Los Angeles Times reported over the weekend that the $75.5-million Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences – the late environmental author Rachel Carson got top billing over Gore – set to open to students next week was built on top of more than a dozen storage tanks containing industrial toxins.

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One Response to Students Gored?

  1. Toby says:

    Its built on crap to teach crap, stands to reason it should be named for a walking, breathing pile of crap.

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