Sneaky Legislation

NO on Prop 25!!!!! A tempting idea of withholding pay of legislators until they pass a budget with a nasty hook. Why?, because of the hidden agenda buried in PROP 25 called Simple Majority vote and with the simple majority rule replacing the current 2/3rds rule what to stop them from passing a budget on the first draft that is lop sided and paid for with additional property tax money you get to pay!

What is a simple majority?

A ‘simple majority’ means over half the valid votes cast. On the other hand, a ‘qualified majority’ (currently the rule) includes stipulations like ‘two-thirds of the valid votes cast provided that at least 60% of those eligible to vote do so’.

California voters really need to understand this.

All CA voters…please be alert to what Prop 25 can do to endanger Prop 13.

Newspaper headlines on Nov 3rd, ‘Real Estate – Prop. 13 OVERTURNED’ To one and all…rest assured if Prop. 25 passes in the upcoming Nov. 2nd election the subject headline above could easily take place just days later! The ruling majority in control of California’s Assembly and Senate have tried to overturn this for years just to increase property tax revenues Prop. 25 will reduce the required Sacramento politician’s vote to make changes to California law from the two-thirds vote requirement currently to a simple-majority.

It is, and has been for years, a long standing fact that the”liberal left-wing socialistic extremist Democrats” in Sacramento already have the simple-majority needed to overturn Prop. 13 should the voting requirement law change to passage by a simple-majority and it is absolutely certain they will do it.

Given this FACT we ALL need to alert ALL of our friends, neighbors, associates, Homeowners and renters alike to VOTE “NO” ON PROP. 25 on NOV. 2ND

As we all know there are few things in life that are “guaranteed.” One being death, another being taxes, and this fact:

Prop. 13 will be overturned if Prop. 25 wins!!!

If the guaranteed protection against HUGE R.E. property tax increases$$$ assured by Prop. 13 is lost there will be such an exodus of homeowners who will not be able to pay the monumental increase $$$ in their property tax that will have to sell. The market will then be flooded with properties and the drop in property values seen the past few of years will look like chump change. That is the big picture, the one closer to home is ‘can you afford to pay more property taxes next year, with more and more in the years that follow?

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2 Responses to Sneaky Legislation

  1. I believe this is true,the taxpayers and homeowners are at real risk from Prop 25.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Richard, appreciate you weighing in on this one.

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