Three Things You Should Know About Islam

The following is submitted for your consideration. If you have a rebuttal video or essay to offer us, we would be happy to post it here.

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22 Responses to Three Things You Should Know About Islam

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    I have heard this before on hate radio.
    This points up the problem with hate radio.
    If this is true, few will believe it, precisely because they heard it on hate radio.
    IF this is true, what is your solution?

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    True Muslim radicals are those who have embraced democracy. They are few, and far between and, not surprisingly, it is in America where you will find many of these Islamic Voltaires. Some American Muslims came here to flee sharia and live in freedom. They can be found at the Islamic Forum For Democracy started and headed by Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser after the 9/11 attacks.

    You and your readers might also find this of interest –

    Best regards,
    Pie Guevara
    “Serving deep, creamy pies since 1971”

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    I neglected to mention in my previous post that the “Three Things You Should Know About Islam” video is a production of a group from Sweden known as the The White Roses.

    The White Roses base their name on a student resistance movement “Die weie Rose” in Nazi Germany that conducted a leaflet campaign calling for opposition to Adolf Hitler’s regime.

    You can read more about the video here –

    Best regards,
    Pie Guevara
    “Serving deep, creamy pies since 1971”

  4. Harriet says:

    Quentin, hate radio? I didn’t know you listen to Ray Taliferro on KGO.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Good info Pie we appreciate your input, this is what makes blogging worthwhile.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    This is a tough one Quentin, but as you noted hate radio is a problem. Here’s what I would do, when Ray Taliferro comes on I would change the dial from 810 to 650 or 1290 or anything but KGO. He is the most hateful man on talk radio.

  7. Toby says:

    I agree with Quentin, people wont listen to anything they hear on NPR.

  8. Harriet says:

    Anyone can google for information, check out Sharia i Michigan. just one example.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Harriet, this is pretty scary stuff. I think it will badly.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    I used to be a huge fan of Ray Taliaferro, but not for his incessant stream of hate speech. He has a wonderful voice and is an absolute lunatic. (For some reason I once found left wing lunatics compelling and curious in a twisted way, rather than merely disgusting and cringe inducing.)

    Finally, I did get my fill of Taliaferro’s vicious rants back in the 80’s. He just didn’t seem funny any more.

    If Quentin is a serious Taliaferro fan, that would explain a lot. He seems to have quite a bit in common with Ray.

    Here is a link to Citizen Warrior on “Three Things You Should Know About Islam” that is easier to read (not an all black background).

  11. Post Scripts says:

    Pie, Ray is a guy who can talk so fast his words spit out like bullets from a machine gun, but it’s all a big waste, the guy is a total loon.

  12. Quentin Colgan says:

    Must be false ASSumption week.!
    I can’t get KGO.
    Thanks for playing, though.

    “Making a better America through total falsehoods.”

    Yeah, that’s how you do it!

  13. Chris says:

    Point #1 is an opinion, not really a fact. The conclusion that “Islam has not been hijacked” isn’t exactly a good point to start with; it automatically makes the video seem biased, as if the author is starting from that conclusion and working backwards.

    Point #2 relies on the assumption that all Muslims interpret Shari’a law in the same way. They don’t.

    Point #3 is the same circular taqqiya thing that I’ve already criticized. By this logic, the author of the video could be a stealth Muslim who is lying to ingratiate himself with Americans while he secretly builds pipe bombs in his garage.

    20/20 had a very good special on Islam the other night. That would be a good place to start. Did you know that the Koran tells the story of Adam and Eve, and of Mary’s immaculate conception of Jesus? Bet you didn’t.

  14. Post Scripts says:

    Actually I did know those stories and about Gabriel, the angel who allegedly visited with Mohammed and inspired the Koran. Funny part of all this is, if anyone were to say all those things today they would get committed to an institution.,

    People are so weird, willing to believe… and I do mean unconditional belief when a diety is attached to it. L. Ron Hubbard sure played this to its max, same for Jim Jones and a hundred other quacks.

  15. Post Scripts says:

    That’s harsh Quentin, but we enjoyed playing nontheless.

  16. Chris says:

    You’re right, Jack. Unconditional belief, in my opinion, is different from faith. Faith requires that one acknowledge uncertainty, the possibility that what they believe in might not be true. When someone tells me they are 100% certain that I am going to Hell if I don’t believe every part of their religion, than I start wondering about their ability to reason. This goes for Muslims, Christians, Jews, anyone. Daisy Khan won my affection when she shared her belief that people of all faiths are welcome in Heaven. This is my belief as well, a personal choice of mine. I do not know if there is a Heaven at all, but I certainly hope so, and I’d like to think that my friends who for a variety of reasons have not accepted Christianity will be there with me if there is.

  17. Gentle Islam says:

    The Solution was written 200 years ago in the United States Constitution, 1st Amendment followed by US Code pertaining to: TREASON, SEDITION, INCITEMENT TO MURDER, VIOLENCE, INSURRECTION, CIVIL DISORDER, MISPRISION OF TREASON, Aiding, comforting & Abetting Enemies of the State, etc.

    I’ve created a webpage quoting the laws which Islam breaks. Remember – the umbrella of religion offers NO PROTECTION for unlawful purposes. Free Speech laws offer no harbor for criminal activity.

    Once you know US Law and Islam – you know Islam is UNLAWFUL.

  18. Tina says:

    Gentle Islam, Thank you for sharing. The websites are both informative and valuable as a reference guides.We also share appreciation for Daniel Pipes, I see.

  19. Chris says:

    Gentle Islam, there are plenty of aspects of Biblical law that are also incompatible with U.S. law. But of course you don’t believe that Christianity should be outlawed as well as Islam, because you have allowed your bigotry to overwhelm your reasoning capacity entirely. Sad.

  20. Tina says:

    Chris: “there are plenty of aspects of Biblical law that are also incompatible with U.S. law. But of course you don’t believe that Christianity should be outlawed as well as Islam, because you have allowed your bigotry to overwhelm your reasoning capacity entirely.”

    Where did you get the idea that this person said it should be outlawed?

    There are zero rogue groups of Christians or Jews that have declared intentions to take over the world, subjugate the citizens, and impose Biblical laws as a worldwide political, religious, and social system. Defense against those Islamists who have these very intentions is the purpose behind the webpages you so easily dismiss with your smug PC rhetoric.

    You will not face this enemy…fine…those who are willing have a right to make the effort.

  21. Chris says:

    Tina: “Where did you get the idea that this person said it should be outlawed?”

    Uh…from being taught how to read?

    Gentle Islam said:

    “Once you know US Law and Islam – you know Islam is UNLAWFUL.”

    Generally, when people say that something is unlawful, they mean that it should be outlawed.

    “There are zero rogue groups of Christians or Jews that have declared intentions to take over the world, subjugate the citizens, and impose Biblical laws as a worldwide political, religious, and social system.”

    You are wrong, Tina. Inform yourself.

  22. Tina says:

    Chris: “Uh…from being taught how to read? Gentle Islam said: ‘Once you know US Law and Islam – you know Islam is UNLAWFUL.'”

    Uh…better grab a dicxtionary!. There is a vast difference between unlawful and outlawed.

    As you often say, “nice try”.

    Name one! If your example is as error filled as your understanding of the words above we probably have something to argue about!

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