A Really Good Question…

from CLOVA

The one question I have for Scott Grundl and his supporters is “how do you define conflict of interest?”

I do not see any difference between being a government employee in one county and an elected official in a city outside that county being any different from (example only) being a government employee in Nevada, Oregon,or Arizona and being elected Governor of California. Only the size of the job is different. You still protect your number one pay check. Scott and Mary, are you aware that re-development money that you are putting into low cost housing is about the most expensive money available? It cost the taxpayer and takes away from the tax base. And you wonder why the budget is a problem. Yes, it is time to change directions in Chico.

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One Response to A Really Good Question…

  1. Juanita Sumner says:

    thanks, I was tired of banging this drum by myself. Write a letter to the editor for the non-bloggers, please!

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