Vets Helping Vets – Stand Down Continues Till Sunday

We’ve been giving away surplus military clothing and military supplies since Friday at the Elks Club in Chico.

Tomorrow is the last day, so if you are a VET and would like to pick up a jacket, coveralls, hats, boots, socks, towels, blankets, poncho’s. tee shirts, cold weather items, cargo pants, sleeping bags, back backs, canteens, desert storm uniforms, etc., you better come out tomorrow early. It opens at 10 a.m. and by 1 p.m. it will be shut down. This is all FREE, and 90% of it is brand new, just released military surplus.

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4 Responses to Vets Helping Vets – Stand Down Continues Till Sunday

  1. Harriet says:

    I read this story in the ER, this morning. I looked for an address where we could donate funds, I can’t afford large amts, but this is something good to support.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Harriet, thank very much for your concern. If you would like to help we could always use more volunteers. I’ll post the info early, who to contact and give the dates of the next “Stand Down”.

  3. Harriet says:

    I am on oxygen 24/7. I am as active as possible, my volunteer time would have to be non physical.

    Yes, I’m concerned I was donating money to one vet group but stopped, the vets get only about 12% of the amt, they spend too much money on junk, labels, note pads, etc.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Really sorry to hear you’re stuck on oxygen, but given the alternative, well, its not so bad. I have a friend on that right now and hopefully he will be off it soon. Anjy chance you will be taken off it and back to health? Thanks for the thought Harriet on the donation and if there is a place to make such a donation I will try to find it and post for you. As of right now I just don’t know.

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