Nevada Union Worker Files Formal Voter Intimidation Complaint


Posted by Tina

The last election was fraught with allegations of voter fraud, particularly by the organization “ACORN”. Many of those people were found guilty and were sentenced to jailtime and/or fined. This year there have already been instances of intimidation and voter fraud. Today a woman in Nevada who belongs to a union has taken a very brave step and chosen to blow the whistle on her union leaders. God bless her for seeing the value of the secret ballot and for protecting the voting process. Babette Rutherford filed her formal complaint through an attorney in Reno, Nevada alleging voter intimidation and bribery. See a copy of the “Election Integrity Violation Report” at Redstate.

A portion of the complaint follows:

4. Complainant respectfully requests that the Secretary of State and Task Force take immediate steps to protect the right of all union members in the State of nevada to be able to cast a secret ballot for the candidates of their choice at the 2010 general election (hereinafter, “the Election”), without fear of reprisas, recriminations, job loss, or other adverse actions resulting from union bosses’ improper and heavy-handed infringement upon their members’ fundamental voting rights, which rights are guaranteed to every citizen of the United States.

5. During the course of early voting, Complainant has actually witnessed, and is aware of numerous reports about, labor union leaders’ activities in and around polling places in Clark County. The reports indicate that several unions are engaging in activities that appear to be intended to intimidate and coerce their members into casting their votes in the Election under the close scrutiny and supervision of union personnel. (continues)

Unfortunately we will see a lot of this in our elections unless local authorities come down hard on offenders. If found guilty I hope this bunch pays in full measure for what they are doing to the elective process in America.

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