Sharing “The Mind of America”

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Posted by Tina

John Hayward of American Thinker has captured the essence of the American spirit in his piece, “The Mind of America”. Since the current election has brought with it such incredible fatigue I thought this an excellent reminder. It contains the essence of what we are working so hard to preserve and restore. I hope you read it in its entirety and feel refreshed…and once again spirited to win! Though the task is difficult the purpose is a mighty one.

Here’s John Hayward:

It is often said the people of America are her heart and soul. It’s important to understand that they are also her mind.

The mind of America is an unconscious engine of fantastic power and perception. Its nerve endings reach through every cash register and cell phone. Its dreams swell into factories and skyscrapers, burn themselves into circuit boards, and flow across bookshelves.

The mind of America can hold many different ideas at once. The genius of a farmer may not be applicable in the heart of a city. A business plan that brings riches to a company in Wisconsin might be a dismal failure in South Carolina. The desires of vacationers and retirees along the coast of Florida are different from those of old families with deep roots planted in the soil of Illinois. A garage mechanic from Detroit might become a business tycoon in Seattle. The notion of bottling so much diverse energy into a central plan, designed by politicians, is absurd. The high voltage of the American mind will melt any antique machinery Washington plugs into it.

Let us never forget, it is “we the people” that matter and make America great.

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