By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party
You know something’s up when Sacramento democrats like Darrel Steinberg start calling for urgent legislation that would put a stop to regulations that are killing business in this state. After several years of ignoring reality, CA dems, and even President Obama, have gone from claiming business is the enemy to trying to sound as pro-business as Dan Logue. Either they’ve stopped using their medicinal herbs, or they’re trying to pull a fast one on us.
You can read the article from the Sacramento Bee here.
It would be nice to finally get some help from democrats, and perhaps for them to admit that demonizing those who create jobs is a sure-fire way to slow job creation. California is one of the most business un-friendly states in the nation, and has the unemployment rate to prove it. Green tech was a nice idea, but with companies like Evergreen Solar (Massachusets) laying off hundreds of workers and moving their solar panel plant to China, things don’t look so good for us. And yes, Evergreen was subsidized by millions in tax dollars too.
As more businesses leave our state and even the country, they take job opportunities with them. If it was only for cheap labor in China, we could at least identify the problem, but not all businesses leave the country. Many just leave our state for other states that treat them better. Texas, Nevada, Utah, and others have all benefited from our anti-business attitude. They have money to pay for their police and fire services. They have money to pay for their schools. We are laying off cops and teachers with no promise of it getting any better.
Sadly, half the people I have talked to who receive public assistance vote for the same political party that is strangling the golden goose they depend on.
But now, amazingly, democrats have awakened to the great truth of our time and want to do something to ease up on regulations for business. If they are being honest than it is welcome news, our state is on the verge of bankruptcy and it’s about time! Unfortunately I fear that, much like their campaign promises about being fiscal conservatives and supporting lower taxes, it is all just a ruse to buy more time in office. When they conduct their study, there will be a great deal of opposition to any move to ease up on regulations. Don’t expect an oil pipeline off the coast, with thousands of new jobs, being authorized anytime soon.
But if they’re serious about creating jobs, and millions in this state desperately hope they are, then I can only ask that they move swiftly and strongly. It just might be the one thing that could turn things around and get our people back to work.
I’m not holding my breath but I will hold my tongue for now. It will be a difficult, if not impossible, task for Democrats to embrace what is necessary to create jobs without giving and exposing unworkable liberal sacred cow beliefs. It will be interesting to see how this falls out.
Oh…I can comment on this:
“Either they’ve stopped using their medicinal herbs, or they’re trying to pull a fast one on us.”
I would put money (in short supply thanks to them) on the con job.