by Jack Lee


(Double click on map to enlarge)

Car break-ins appears to be more rampant than first thought or even known to the police, because people are not reporting all of them. The story I was given, is they know the police won’t come out if its a simple vehicle entry with minimal loss. So people are giving up on reporting the crimes, but this is wrong. You need to report it, it all helps towards building the MO and catching the crook.

I went around my neighborhood today advising people about the problem and to be on the alert. I found three victims that didn’t report the their thefts and I learned about two more thefts known to the neighbors that were also not reported. One person actually chased the thief and recovered his iPod, but apparently he didn’t report the incident. I haven’t spoken to him directly yet to verify this story.

The area in question that seems to be having the most trouble is from Manzanita at Hooker Oak, then down Hooker Oak to Madrone and back over to Valombrosa to form a box. This specifically includes thefts on Hooker Oak, Joy Lane, Lylac, Juniper, Victoria Way and Valombrosa.

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