UCLA Video Rant Set to Music

I removed this video because the wackos in the hateful PC CROWD have relentlessly been attacking this girl. We should have just had a good laugh, learned something from it and moved on, but no… the a-h’s of our world had to take it too far and harassed this girl and sent her death threats. Now she’s quit UCLA. What a shame.

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7 Responses to UCLA Video Rant Set to Music

  1. Tina says:

    Toby thank you, you didn’t disappoint. As I watched I was thinking, “oh sure, Jack posted this because he thought the content was news worthy…NOT…it’s the boobs!”

    As to content…I get annoyed in restaurants, even fast food joints, on this issue. Some people are so loud…it’s obnoxious.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Boobarella does have a point about the use of a cell phone, but we should all be able to laugh at ourselves. I hope she has taken the music video in her honor as funny. A lot of people were mad at her and wanted her expelled, now that I don’t agree with.

  3. Toby says:

    Happy to help. lol

  4. Quentin Colgan says:

    spoiled, little, racist, POS, rich bitch.
    tsk tsk
    filled to overflowing–with ignorance and intolerance.
    I see a party in her future.
    a TEA party.

  5. Tina says:

    The new civility strikes again, Jack:

    Alexandra Wallace, the southern California undergraduate who apologized for her recent YouTube rant about the hordes of Asian people that UCLA accepts into our school every single year, said Friday that she will no longer be attending classes at UCLA. In a statement to the college newspaper, The Daily Bruin, Wallace said, the harassment of my family, the publishing of my personal information, death threats and being ostracized from an entire community has caused her to leave the university.


  6. Post Scripts says:

    That’s pretty sad…I wished everyone could just have a good laugh over it and move on. Seriously…death threats over this??? We’re so uptight, people need to calm down and un-lax.

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