by Jack Lee
(Russian made bomber going down after hit by AA)
Kadafy said yesterday that he has agreed to a total cease fire and his tanks stopped just short of Benghazi, today the tanks invaded Benghazi. Last week he was telling his supporters in Tripoli that the revolt was caused by a few hundred thugs on drugs. This guy is a monumental liar as well as a ruthless dictator and nothing he says can be trusted.
Well, now that he has defied the cease fire terms his planes, troops and tanks are all fair game for coalition aircraft (80% US). For better or worse, the war has begun. The United States is expected to take the lead and do the overwhelming majority of the fighting and bear the costs mostly alone.
The Pentagon said 112 cruise missiles were launched from U.S. and British ships and subs, hitting 20 targets, mostly radar sites.
Well, now that the “progressive” left’s most famous anti-corporation crusader Ralph Nader has announced that President Obama is a war criminal, the eternally odious radical buffoon Noam Chomsky can’t be far behind.
Has anyone besides me noticed that Amy Goodman’s perpetual smirk has deepened considerably? The Pacifica crew is so pleased they can’t hide their glee.
Before you know it every rabid left wing clown including our very own anti-business preaching mad-hatter (or is that mad-hater?), will be taking their marching orders to the street and ripping Obama a new one.
Let the blood sport begin.
If you thought these folks were rabid about Bush you haven’t seen anything yet.
Here is a news tip about how the Obama Administration handles justice. (No surprises here.) It seems that school bullying has again become an issue with the folks in Washington. How will the Department Of Justice handle it?
“Here is the catch. DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination against a victims race, sex, national origin, disability, or religion will be considered by DOJ.”
So, a FWMJ (Fat White Male Juvenile) who is victimized by an OBC (Obnoxious Bully Creep) is just SOL (not going there) when it comes to the DOJ.
OMG, that came from the WT! No doubt the KIR (Kook In Residence) will have something to say about that. (Here comes my virtual swirly.)
Libya has our oil, right? Well no, Libya supplies Europe. So why not let them pay in treasure and blood to get it back? Ah, not so fast, the European oil contracts are signed with Gaddafi. The new government isn’t going to honor those contracts. So the oil will be back on the market driving the cost of gas down after Gaddafi is dead? Then why exactly are we going to war? And I don’t buy that humanitarian BS because there are people in Africa in far worst situations and for far longer.
What ever happened to “the spoils of war.? What do we get besides $4.50 a gallon gas out of this deal?
Well, at least the left in Rio has erupted. (Don’t fergit yer Marx, kids, the vanguard of the revolution today will be the leaders of the proletariat tomorrow.)
The hard left here (with the exception of the producers of Democracy Now!) must still be in shock after the U.S. missile strikes.
Give them time.
Before events move along faster than we can absorb them, let us review:
(For the sake of brevity, in the following ICH means Insert Country Here.)
ICH has not attacked the United States and does not pose a threat.
There is no real evidence that ICH has WMD.
While ICH has produced, funded, and supported terrorists and terrorism, there is no evidence that Al Qaeda has a significant presence there. Therefore ICH is not a terrorism threat.
ICH is an oil producer, it is all about oil.
Just a couple more notes:
Can you believe that is is France (France! France! Freedom Fry France!) that has led the way? Ol’ Obama must one heck of a crafty imperialist, corporatist devil, getting them to “rush to war”. No wonder it has been widely reported that European countries have been confused by the actions U.S.A. under Obama’s leadership with regard to ICH.
When, in the course of this conflict, the various and sundry factions who have a history of hundreds of years of years of conflicts, tribal and familial hatreds, and religious enmity start slaughtering each other by the tens of thousands, will some demented, vitriol spewing jackass visit Post Scripts to blame the U.S. for their deaths?
Or will it take a Chico State University professor to first lead the way by making a statement in the Enterprise Record?
Just wondering.
I hate to follow Pie so far off the topic of this article, but the op-ed he links to (from the notoriously anti-minority Washington Times editorial page) is such a lying piece of trash that I have to clarify some things.
The main problem, Pie, is that neither you nor Kerry Picket seem to know who the 1964 Civil Rights legislation protects.
Picket writes,
“Obviously, not only is the heterosexual white male student out of luck but inner city minority students lose out in this deal too.
If a schoolyard bully is a straight black male and his target is another straight black male where does that leave the victim in the eyes of Attorney General Eric Holder? What about two female students of the same sexual orientation and race? Is the victim in the latter situation considered to be less equal in the eyes of Obamas Justice Department than a minority student who is picked on by a heterosexual white male student with no disabilities?”
To anyone familiar with the law, it is obvious that Picket is asking the wrong questions here. Whatever group the targets or aggressors belong to is much less important than the actions and motivations of the aggressor. “White male students” are only “out of luck” if they are attacked for reasons OTHER than being white and male. The same applies to black and/or female students. The Civil Rights law protects race and gender–ALL races and genders. That means that if you are attacked by someone yelling anti-white chants at you, you are protected under the Civil Rights law.
Picket’s trick is not uncommon, but it is extremely stupid. In order for it to work, the reader has to be unaware that white males are protected by the Civil Rights law. (Picket also seems to believe that the Civil Rights law protects sexual orientation, which it does not). The same trick is often pulled by those criticizing hate crime laws–even though all hate crime laws in the U.S. protect white males.
You obviously fell for this trick, as you write:
“So, a FWMJ (Fat White Male Juvenile) who is victimized by an OBC (Obnoxious Bully Creep) is just SOL (not going there) when it comes to the DOJ.”
Which again, is only true if the Fat White Male Juvenile is attacked for reasons other than his race and gender. Weight is not given mention in the Civil Rights law. I suppose that’s Obama’s fault, somehow.
There is a legitimate argument to be made that the federal government should not involve itself in the local affairs of school bullying policy. One could make a convincing argument for this, but in order to do so they would have to be much more informed on the facts than you and Kerry Picket.