Putting Budget Cuts in Perspective

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3 Responses to Putting Budget Cuts in Perspective

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    You think this is nutty?
    Imagine it is only three pennies instead of five!
    Recently the Republicans made news with a big deal about cutting five-eighths of what Obama has proposed.
    What is even nuttier is that Wally Herger kept conflating that measly $61 billion with 37% of the federal budget at the TEA Party meeting last week.
    Totally NVTS nuts was the people buying into this poor math.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    I don’t recall Wally saying that Quentin. How did you hear about it?

  3. Quentin Colgan says:

    I heard it with my own two ears, Jack.
    Good thing I recorded the meeting. I could scarcely believe it myself. But when I played it back, well, sure enough, there it was.
    I suppose most hilarious was one time that he mentioned it, it was only a minute or two after he told us that 40 billion was only 1% of federal spending.
    If 40 billion is one percent, then 61 billion is one-and-a-half percent, correct?
    And most certainly, the cuts offered by the Republicans are evn more pathetic than the ones offered by Obama.

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