GOP Candidates For President in 2012

BY Jack Lee

As of 20 May, 2011, the following names are either declared GOP candidates or are likely to seek a presidential bid. They are listed in order of greatest potential and popularity (based on my research). Here are the top candidates so far:

  1. Gov. Mitt Romney
  2. Amb. Jon Huntsman Jr
  3. Gen. David Petraeus
  4. Rep. Ron Paul
  5. Gov. Mitch Daniels
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  7. Rep. Newt Gingrich
  8. Gov. Rick Perry
  9. Rep. Michele Bachmann
  10. Gov. Jeb Bush
  11. Gov. Tim Pawlenty
  12. Sen. Rick Santorum
  13. Mark Sanford
  14. Rep. Paul Ryan
  15. CEO Herman Cain
  16. Gov. Sarah Palin
  17. Gov. Chris Christie
  18. Gov. Gary Johnson


How do you rate these republicans? Which ones would you absolutely not want to see in the White House?

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