Who Said It?


Posted by Tina

The following is a quote from a famous American patriot describing how and when to use military power:

1. “Commit our forces only when clear and vital American interests are at stake.”
2. “If we have to fight, fight to win. Use overwhelming force. Defeat the enemy as quickly as possible. Nation-building is not the main purpose of our armed forces.”
3. “Have clearly defined goals and objectives before sending in troops. If you can’t explain the mission to the American people clearly and concisely,” stay out.
4. “American soldiers must never be put under foreign command.”
5. “Sending our armed forces should be the last resort. We don’t go looking for dragons to slay.”

Anyone know who said it? (Answer under the fold)

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6 Responses to Who Said It?

  1. not true says:

    When the discussion was had on whether we should go to Iraq, Sarah never said this.
    This is in error.

  2. Tina says:

    As Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission there werent too many opportunities for her to comment on the issue on a national stage. Nobody was interested in what the mayor of Chico thought about it either. DOH!

    Not true…your statement is, well, not true.

  3. Harold Ey says:

    I want to play also , who said “the biggest argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with the average voter . . .”

  4. Tina says:

    Harold my first insticts told me Reagan or Thatcher…if I did hear them say it I’m sure they were quoting, as I discovered when I looked it up, Winston Churchill.

    Good one!

  5. Not True says:

    Most everybody would have an opinion on going to war in Iraq,post 9/11.
    That Ms. Palin made no comments at all, in any forum,at a time when it mattered, speaks volumes about her vacuousness.
    Making a comment now, when it hardly matters, is just another vacuous publicity stunt.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Mr. Ey got me. I had to go look it up. As an average voter, I object to Mr. Churchill’s opine. I have more faith and optimism in the average voter than most politicians.

    The real problem is with below average voters, like “Not True”. Palin’s statement matters more now than ever, especially in light of the politically driven adventurism and arrogance of the current occupant of the White House.

    Sarah Palin has succinctly expressed what is PRECISELY in the hearts of a great number of average United States Of America voters. What is not to like?

    Palin-Bachmann, Bachmann-Palin. Either works for me.

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