by Jack
Asked by Chris Wallace from Fox News to Michelle Bachman : “Are you are flake?’ It was a childish question, but a prevailing belief in most blue states. But, to her credit she answered: “I think that would be insulting, to say something like that, what I would say is that I’m 55 years-old, I’ve been married 33 years, I’m not only a lawyer, I have a post-doctorate degree in federal tax law from William and Mary…” and so on, as she recited her impressive resume noting a whole lot of political experience.
Whatever else you might think of her politics she’s no flake. She might have a personal history full of crazy-sounding anecdotes, and she might be given to saying the sort of incendiary things one might expect from a fringe candidate — but she rakes in campaign cash every time she does.
Every time the media goes after her she comes back stronger.
Earlier we saw another so-called journalist attack Bachman by asking a question over and over, if she would investigate people for un-American activities? Chris Mathews on Hard Ball s attempted to get her goat and bait Bachmann by repeating the same “un-American” question at least three times. However, Bachmann wouldn’t give Matthews even a moment of satisfaction.
Bachman looks like a real contender.
Keeping her composure, the Congresswoman stayed on message about the economy until Matthews became so frustrated he outright insulted her (to the delight of his cohorts) by asking, “Are you hypnotized?” Bachmann got the last word in, though, when she asked Matthews something to the effect of how that leg thrill was doing on a night like tonight.
Note: Chris Wallace later apologized to her for the blunt and rude question.
Well … I don’t know. She may be the first presidential candidate we’ve ever had who has multiple websites preserving her flakiness for all eternity … yet another step down the road to ruination.
When I saw the interview on Sunday my reaction was, how rude and inappropriate. Here we go again with bashing a candidate because of her gender. Yet, we elected a man who cant keep his foot out of his mouth if he doesnt use a teleprompter. Just read some of Obamas quotes below and ask yourself who is the flake, and not worthy of being our respected leader.
1) “Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israels.”
2) “I’ve now been in 57 states I think one left to go.”
3) “On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes,
and I see many of them in the audience here today.”
4) “What they’ll say is, ‘Well it costs too much money,’ but you know what? It would cost,
about. It it it. would cost about the same as what we would spend. It. Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us. (nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We’re going to. It. It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about hold on one second. I can’t hear myself. But I’m glad you’re fired up, though. I’m glad.”
5) “The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and
inefficiencies to our health care system.”
6) “I bowled a 129. It’s like – it was like the Special Olympics, or something.”
7) “Of the many responsibilities granted to a president by our Constitution, few are
more serious or more consequential than selecting a Supreme Court justice. The members
of our highest court are granted life tenure, often serving long after the presidents who
appointed them. And they are charged with the vital task of applying principles put to paper more than 20 centuries ago to some of the most difficult questions of our time.”
8) “Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency
room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs,
when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment,
and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. I haven’t had much sleep in the last
48 hours.”
9) “It was interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from
the United States Senate. There’s a lot of I dont know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing.”
10) “I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.”
Each of these quotes are directly from President Barack Obama. And now you know why he brings his teleprompter with him everywhere he goes …even when talking to a 6th grade class. And some members of the media continue to insist he is “The smartest man ever elected to the Presidency.”
Double punch ticket: Bachmann-Palin.
Both could easily overcome their Lame Stream Media negatives and use the usual gang of hideous left wing clone dorks like Matthews as a baseball bat against the beast that seeks to destroy them.
Just think of the absolute beauty of a political version of Rope-A-Dope. History would be made in more ways than one.
Would Palin be interested in playing second fiddle as administration spokeswoman/Lame Stream slayer? I think she might. Moreover, I think she would enjoy that role.
The more a Bachmann-Palin ticket was attacked, the more it would gain support. The Lame Stream would not be able to help themselves. Any leg trembling, this time for completely different reasons, would be palpable from the nightly “news” to the pundit-o-sphere.
Just remember where you heard it first.
Neither Chris Wallace nor Chris Matthews are journalists.
You are incorrect.
Chris Wallace works for Fox News. Fox News is Mainstream?
Peggy I just completed a similar list but will spare all of us the agony and repetition.
His use of the words “guys” and “you guys” all the time, not to mention the “ummms” and “aaahhhs” that sprinkle his off the cuff remarks certainly make him sound like a dummy. The equally dumb MSM talking heads smile and applaud his “casual style”. It’s hillarious. Left wing men and women in the media are so obviously biased and ignorant…do they really think people haven’t noticed.
Theres a neat little You Tube video that demonstrates their hypocricy and obvious (jealousy…fear?) hatred of Sarah Palin but WARNING…it includes Chris Mathews uttering the infamous vulgar and trashy slur against Sarah palin:
Pie either of these women could run rings around Obama as individuals and as President…as a team they would be dynamite. they are both woemn with strong records of getting things done…sometimes against all odds.
I think we could expect a serious left wing melt down if you got your wish. Just thinking about it puts me in a good mood!
I was very surprised at Chris Wallace, I always saw him as very fair and quite frankly difficultto assess his political beliefs, that fact proved to me how good he is.
I would never believed this of him.
Michelle Bachman is anything but a flake, people may differ with her Constitutional beliefs but flake she isn’t.
You don’t think there’s a difference between some off-the-cuff misspeaking and a considered opinion like this one here.
There’s the fantastic …
I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this [the national debt].
The paranoid …
“I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. And I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.”
And the wildly ignorant mendacity …
“The president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day. He’s taking 2,000 people with him. He will be renting out over 870 rooms in India. And these are five-star hotel rooms at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. This is the kind of over-the-top spending.”
Apparently this last she pick up off the internet and repeated without checking up at all. We can’t have that in the Oval Office, now can we?
Libby: “misspeaking”
Oh brother! The Obama quotes above go well beyond the occassional “misspeaking”. First graders know how many states there are and I’m pretty sure most of us know the difference between a live veteran and a dead one. But this one:
After that we should be hell bent on ridding ourselves of Obamacare!
His gaffs demonstrate ignorance that requires remedial study. Since his school records are hidden from public view, however, you and your fawning friends can pretend the man is a genious and cover for him with a straight face.
Any person on the national stage is bound to make mistakes. Reasonable people understand this and are forgiving…willing to let it pass.
The all out assault on Palin and Bachman is so egregious and unseemly it borders on the pathelogical…it stinks to high heaven and recognizable as the odor of a very nervous and frightened bunch of hypocrits.
Libby, since you are pretty well informed on these presidential trips, what precisely did Obama’s India trip cost us and what will this latest trip by Michelle cost us? I really want to know – I have a right to know and a need to know too.
Harriet I can’t be too mad at Wallace we all make mistakes. He was trying to ask a question he thought the mainstream media would approve, then afterwards he realized the error of his ways and apologized. It all worked out and Bachman scored some points.
Not true – you’re right of course in the most technical sense. However, they are loosely referred to as journalists even though that may be a misnomer. They’re closer to talk show hosts, especially Mathews. However, their title is not as important as what they say and the impact they have.
A journalist is anyone involved in commentary, writing, editing and management of news.
Carl, to me the MSM is MSNBC, CBS, NYT, WT, LAT, FOX News, ABC and CNN.
And, alas, hot off the presses …
“Republican Representative Michele Bachmann surely meant to invoke iconic Hollywood star John Wayne as she launched her White House bid Monday — not “Killer Clown” serial killer John Wayne Gacy.
Speaking to Fox News Channel from this heartland town, where she was born, Bachmann said that “what I want them (voters) to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”
But the late leading man — known for Westerns like “Stagecoach,” “The Searchers,” and “True Grit,” as well as his support of conservative political causes — was born in Winterset, Iowa, a few hours’ drive from Waterloo.
And, as the Washington Times newspaper first reported, Waterloo’s own John Wayne was Gacy, who got his criminal start in the Iowa town before moving to Chicago, where he committed the more than 30 murders of which he was convicted.
It was the latest in a series of miscues that have tarnished Bachmann’s image, making Republican insiders skeptical of the prodigious fundraiser and archconservative “Tea Party” movement darling’s chances at the White House.”
I’d be interested to know, did she do this herself? Or has she just got wildly incompetent staffers? Either way, this is not presidential material.
Why would you insist that it is?
“Neither Chris Wallace nor Chris Matthews are journalists.
You are incorrect.”
Very common misconception around these parts.
If we can forgive Obama’s faux pauxs then this one is forgivable too. Kinda funny, I admit that and it had to be due to some staffer. If you have ever worked on a campaign it’s their job to come up with background info for local color. Candidates don’t have that kind of time. Garrison Keeler does that personal background stuff with every show he takes on the road, a few weeks ago he was talking about Chico and our wonderful orchards. The locals love it, but when somebody goofs it’s obvious and it’s pretty funny. This sort of goof up will happen many times in a campaign, wait and see.
“Pie either of these women could run rings around Obama as individuals and as President…as a team they would be dynamite. …
I think we could expect a serious left wing melt down if you got your wish.”
Oh, you are so wrong there. We would be thrilled … tickled absolutely purple!
Alas there is no hope of it. The big money has fled Palin, and is fleeing Bachmann as we speak.
But it’s still fun to think about.
I’ll bet if you got online, the General Accounting Office could tell you.
Yes Libby it is fun to thin about and if the election were to be held today I would vote for a Bachman – Palin ticket.
I’ll try it but such things are usually pretty daunting and it almost takes a team of investigative reporters armed with subpoenas and a stack of freedom of information forms.
It’s not her beliefs, it’s her plain ignorance of the facts. Didn’t you see that bit, where she made some appallingly incorrect statement about how laws are made in this country? Some high school student wrote her a very polite letter, full of concern about how a public official could make such … misrepresentations … of fact, and challeged her to a civics debate. Michele has not accepted the challenge.
Actually, that quote demonstrates fairly clearly that the electronics were on the fritz. He couldn’t tell whether he was going out over the mic or not, which has to be disorienting, don’t you think?
As to the numbers on the healthcare initiative, well, it’s Johnson on Medicare all over again.
It would be archived, cause it was awhile ago, but there was such a fuss, I’ll bet they ran the numbers.
And some other entity may have reported them.
Libby I fired off an email to GAO c/o Chuck Young in Public Affairs. The only info they had ready on their site was 11 years old. However, I can now tell you what the prez spent in 1999 to 2000 now. Hopefully we won’t have to wait a decade to see how much Obama spent last year on travel.
Libby, civics schmivics, I don’t care about that stupid stuff. I would vote for her for her because she has beautiful eyes. She’s sooooo hot! Same goes for Palin. I get a thrill going up my leg just thinking about them.
Good Heavens! I just went to check my email, and in my Yahoo News there’s another one!
FACT CHECK: Bachmann bomblets raising eyebrows
BY CALVIN WOODWARD and JIM DRINKARD, Associated Press 1 hr 2 mins ago
WASHINGTON Michele Bachmann’s claim that she has “never gotten a penny” from a family farm that’s been subsidized by the government is at odds with her financial disclosure statements. They show tens of thousands in personal income from the operation.
Bachmann’s wildly off-base assertion last month that a NATO airstrike might have killed as many as 30,000 Libyan civilians, her misrepresentations of the health care law, misfires on other aspects of President Barack Obama’s record and historical inaccuracies have saddled her with a reputation for uttering populist jibes that don’t hold up.
I think the ol’ MSM has got in in for your girl. But would they be our Fourth Estate if they ignored all this? There does seem to be quite a lot.
And you wonder why this country’s in the dumper?
Beer buddies and cutie-pies you wanna put in office? You deserve everything you get.
And you wanna know why you all have got your knickers in a twist over Obama? I’ll tell you why. Cause he’s brown and smarter than you are, and it just burns your butt, that’s why.
Michelle Bachman was my very early on favorite and I have not changed my mind. The fact the media is reacting to her the way they are is all I need to know that she is the one. I have never contributed to a candidate, I am going to send her money that I really can’t afford to send.
Carl Fox News is main stream now because they have a big following. When they first started out they were a fledgling alternative to what had been available.
When conservative voices refer to the MSM they are speaking of “antique” news outlets: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, WAPO, etc. News outlets that cover the news using one (mostly leftist) voice. I think left bias in the news came about, in part, because the Democrats were dominant in Congress for over fifty years until 1994. There are other reasons.
Libby: “Either way, this is not presidential material. Why would you insist that it is?”
Your objection rings hollow given your support of the man who currently resides in the WH, a man having been elected on a platform of hope and change. His 2 year run for the presidency was so badly covered that after a year into his Presidency two TV journalists were remarking about how little they knew about him! Pathetic!!!
Your own evaluation is based on petty little things that are no better (granted) but certainly no worse than any of the many gaffs uttered by Obama…and let’s not forget that gaffer extrordinaire, Biden. Obama chose this inept talker to be his running mate so, by the same reasoning, might we not conclude that he is not Presidential material?
You guys on the left just keep playing these slash and burn games with the candidates and yet you have nothing to stand upon. Coukd be this is just another way to avoid talking about the failures of this administration…record unemployment with ultra high unemployment for blacks, teens, college grads, returning vets, and white men, sluggish (failing) economy, debt up to the moon, and calls for mre spending and taxation as a
Re Tina: “Pie either of these women could run rings around Obama as individuals and as President…as a team they would be dynamite.”
Yep, we are on the same page there, sister! Either would make more effective and far better leaders than the current President Of The “57” United States. Just thinking about such a dual ticket puts me in a good mood too.
As for a left wing meltdown, it appears the meltdown has already begun by merely mentioning the possibility of such a scenario!
If the microcosm of this corner of the internet is any indicator (and I think it is) and considering the ever gracious and good willed comments from “Libby”, the left would go full Chernobyl. Hot damn, that would be a joy to see. Pure entertainment.
Libby: “Oh, you are so wrong there. We would be thrilled … tickled absolutely purple!”
Like I said…a complete meltdown. A big lump of purple jerking and convulsing…and ripping hair out by the roots.
You people don’t attack the candidates you don’t fear. You promote them…like McCain…and now, Pawlenty.
Sorry lady, we aren’t going to let you pick our candidate this time.
“Actually, that quote demonstrates fairly clearly that the electronics were on the fritz. He couldn’t tell whether he was going out over the mic or not, which has to be disorienting, don’t you think?”
Nice cover but you wouldn’t have been so understanding toward, oh, say, GWB, now would you?
If you’re going to base your decisions on these types of things you should be consistent.
Obama doesn’t do well without prepared remarks. He knows nothing about the things that matter most, like the economy and how jobs come about in this country. He (and Michelle) were born for community work. He would do well as a church deacon. He was terrific on innauguratiin day when he was down in the church basement with a bunch of kids slapping paint on the walls. He said “Good work you guys” and it made perfect sense.
Libby: “But would they be our Fourth Estate if they ignored all this?”
That’s the problem, they are YOUR fourth estate not “our” fourth estate.
If they had done the fourth estate thing with Obama he wouldn’t have made it to the Senate much less the presidency.
Its the medias job to report this stuff accurately on all candidates…they don’t.
Libby: “Beer buddies and cutie-pies you wanna put in office?…Cause he’s brown and smarter than you are, and it just burns your butt, that’s why.”
I’m pretty sure Jack was tweaking you for buying into what all those fourth estate guys tell you. They are soooooo in the tank for Obama and sooooo determined to demolish the republican contenders…they will play clown in their own circus atmosphere over the next 16-17 months. I don’t know what Mathews will do to top his “thrill up my leg” comment but I’m sure he’ll think of something incredibly stupid.
C’mon I was just kiddin! But, I do think Bachman would be the best looking president we’ve ever had.
Toby…you’re the man.
Did you know that most of her support so far has been from very modest personal donations…according to Politico (April):
Journalists? (We report you decide)
(According to their Wikipedia bios)
Wallace is a television journalist. He caught the bug as an assistant to Walter Cronkite at the 1964 Republican National Convention and then went on to Harvard where he reported the news on the Harvard radio station. He was accepted to Harvard Law School but chose to go to work for the Boston Globe instead and decided to move to television reporting when he noticed that reporters were watching television instead of watching the 1972 convention in person.
He started with NBC in NY (14 YRS) then became their chief political correspondent in Washington, moderator of Meet the Press, and then anchor of the Nightly News. He left in 1989 and became senior correspondent on ABCs Primetime Thursday (14 yrs). He reported from Tel Aviv during the Gulf War. In 2003 he left and went to FOX saying, “Fox News wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for this kind of stuff going on in the mainstream media. That’s why people are fed up with that and want the antidote to it because they get it and they’ve gotten it for years – the so-called bias in the objective press.
Mathews is a 1967 graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and did graduate work in economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill He served in the US Peace Corps in Swaziland from 1968 to 1970 as a trade development adviser.
His first job in DC was with the Capital Police. He then worked as a staff member for four Democrats. In 1974 he ran for a seat in the House of Representatives receiving 24% of the vote in the primary. He worked as a speechwriter in the Carter administration and then spent 6 years as an aid to Speaker Tip ONeill.
He worked for 15 years as a print journalist 13 of which were as DC Bureau Chief for the SF Chronicle. He covered the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Peace Talks in Northern Ireland. His TV show, Hardball, began in 1997 at CNBC and later MSNBC. The Chris Mathews Show in syndication started in 2002.
Journalists work in the news business. Fox and MSNBC are in the crap business.
Who exactly are impacted by what those clowns say?
Not true…mini-me to commrade Q? I think so.
Libby this gaff although dumb, was not harmful.
A lengthy list of Obama gaffy was posted here, but his latest may be the worse. Presenting the Medal of Honor to Jared Monti, he made the comment that he ws glad to present to someone who came back, thing is Jared Monti did not survive. That certainly is NOT presidential.
Toby–“The fact the media is reacting to her the way they are is all I need to know that she is the one.”
And thus the right-wing persecution complex is given yet more fuel. I usually like Wallace a good deal more than most of his FOX News colleagues, but I can’t help but wonder if his remark was designed specifically for this purpose. He must know that any criticism of Bachmann is simply taken as proof to her constituency that she is being unjustly victimized, and they will only be drawn further toward her.
If you think Bachmann/Palin would make a better presidential team than Obama/Biden, well, that’s your opinion. But if you think they have a chance of winning against the incumbents in 2012, you’re removed from reality.
Tina, McCain and Pawlenty aren’t attacked as much by the left because they aren’t as crazy as their colleagues. You see the treatment of Palin as evidence that the left is “threatened” by her, and in a way you’re right; but the threat she poses is not just to the Democratic party, but to the entire country. I think it’s common knowledge by now that McCain had a better chance of winning before he picked the Alaskan Albatross as his running mate. I considered voting for him myself until Palin started taking the spotlight.
Libby is right, nothing would be better for liberals than a Bachmann/Palin ticket. We’d have a ball making fun of them and then we’d win the election by a landslide.
I think the John Wayne gaffe was not a big deal, just a humurous mistake. I’m much more disturbed by her actual beliefs.
Jack, you claim you have a right to know how much Obama’s trip to India cost, but you should know that this right has never existed in the history of our country. The dollar amount of presidential trips has simply never been public knowledge.
Lib: Let me get this straight to see if I can understand your thought process. Both John Wayne, the actor and John Wayne Gacy, the killer were born in Iowa. Both were born in towns beginning with W, one in Waterloo and the other Winterset, and you cant accept that she mixed them up and misspoke. But, you accept Obama saying, “On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience here today.”
Big difference Lib and very sad how you are so willing to refuse to see the difference. Obama does not walk on water and Bauchman is not an unworthy candidate deserving of equal respect and treatment.
Both individuals have the right to be a candidate, and the voters also have the right to fair and unbiased media coverage.
Oh, I think that if Obama, in his Senate race, even in Illinois, had said that 30,000 people had been killed in a NATO air strike … when this was irrefutable false … we would have heard about it.
But he doesn’t say stupid things like this … and that’s what’s got your goat.
Bachmann espouses your political beliefs, ostensibly, but is also a flaming dimwit. This is not uncommon in people who publicly espouse your political beliefs … and THIS is what you are bummed about. Face it.
Thank you for proving my point. Your bias and unwillingness to treat both equally accountable for what they say is the root of your argument.
Chris I would like to know what you know about Sarah Palin and by what yardstick you measure her worth?
Also the media treatment of her is unprecedented just as the media fawning and protection of Obama is unprecidented. Do you think this is good for America?
“We’d have a ball making fun of them and then we’d win the election by a landslide.”
Which shows the utter shallowness of your politics and the absolutely corrupt methods by which you campaign. Nice going, Chris, I couldn’t have provided a better portrait of the bankrupt (adolescent) Democrat Party and it’s members and followers.
So, did Mr. Obama stretch the truth last week during his speech to the nation when he led us to believe he had the support of his military advisors? Or, will the left feel it is even close to the same level as Ms. Bauchmans mistakes about the John Waynes? (Rhetorical question.)
One is an out and out lie and the other an honest mistake. A lie by omission is still a lie. Pray tell Mr. President, which advisor did you base your decision on?
Marine Lt. Gen. John Allen, nominated to replace Gen. David Petraeus as head of coalition forces in Afghanistan, acknowledged Tuesday that President Obama’s decision to draw down 10,000 troops by the end of this year and the rest of the surge forces by September 2012 was not one of the options proposed to the president by Gen. Petraeus.
Read more:
“”We’d have a ball making fun of them and then we’d win the election by a landslide.”
Five bucks. And I’m comin’ after you for it, too.
Whom will you “come after”, Libby? You and Chris seem to be on the same page.
“Chris I would like to know what you know about Sarah Palin and by what yardstick you measure her worth?”
I’m not sure I understand the question. We’ve discussed Palin here before: her many lies, her inability to admit a mistake, her victimization complex, her love/hate relationship with media attention. As for her “worth,” as a person she has as much worth as any of us. As a presidential candidate…well, we’ll see if she runs.
“Also the media treatment of her is unprecedented”
I’ll admit some has been unfair, but much of it she’s brought on herself. She loves the spotlight and she can’t let any criticism of her rest. She has to respond to every little comment and every comedian’s joke on her Facebook and Twitter pages. And sure, some of those comments and jokes have been unjustified, rude, and in some cases downright vile. But she is hardly the first person to have to endure that. I don’t remember candidate Obama ever responding to criticism that way, or candidate McCain for that matter. It’s not presidential to personally respond to an episode of “Family Guy” which makes fun of you. If she wants to be taken seriously she needs to learn to stay above all that.
That said, I do think the media’s obsession with her is embarassing. John Stewart did a great job satirizing the way the media focused on her recently revealed e-mails (which revealed nothing), and the way they followed her around desperately on her road trip. But let’s not pretend Palin took that trip for any reason other than publicity. It’s a cycle that both Palin and the media love to play into. They get the ratings, she gets more exposure. It’s a win-win for them, but you’re right, it’s not good for America.
I don’t think the media in general “fawns” over Obama anymore, though. He is constantly criticized in the media by both liberals and conservatives. Much of it is well deserved; his decisions on Libya are shameful and possibly unconstitutional. However, given that McCain is supporting the president on this issue, I still don’t regret my vote.
“Which shows the utter shallowness of your politics and the absolutely corrupt methods by which you campaign. Nice going, Chris, I couldn’t have provided a better portrait of the bankrupt (adolescent) Democrat Party and it’s members and followers.”
Come on Tina, it isn’t “corrupt” to mock politicians who do and say stupid things.
Also, there is no such thing as the “Democrat Party.” It is called the Democratic Party. I see this so often that I have to wonder, is there a reason why you and other conservatives always get this wrong, or is it just a common mistake?
Ooops. Sorry. Missed the quotes.
But you could still take me up on it. Do you really think the Bachmann-Palin ticket has a shot?
“So, did Mr. Obama stretch the truth last week during his speech to the nation when he led us to believe he had the support of his military advisors?”
You have to learn to look past the pap fed you. With Petraeus going to CIA and Pinetta going to Pentagon … it looks to me like everybody is on the same page re Afghanistan particularly and the Middle East in general.