Pie we’ve really hit bottom when ADULTS in positions of power are completely comfortable harrassing and punishing children just for engaging in commerce. That these kids were also raising money for charity makes it even stinkier. Good grief have they no boundaries of decency or common sense at all?
I agree with Tina, and when I viewed this I just got disgusted. My wish is these Nanny empowered agencies would concentrated more on curb side panhandles, or anyone begging for money. What is the harm in having children learning how to operate a business to make a profit? the Nanny police seem more inclined (or just too lazy to find real problems) to prevent the spirit of being an entrepreneur in the younger generation and there by promoting more dependence on someone else for money, like government welfare. Permits to operate a Lemon-aid stand, what is next to hunt down and eliminate, fund raising Car washes or say Church bake sales. Hell! our legislators could learn from what it takes to make a effort to do real work that creates worth verse the ‘STUFF’ they do to restrict’ everything they touch.
Harold: “…to prevent the spirit of being an entrepreneur in the younger generation and there by promoting more dependence on someone else for money, like government welfare…”
You may be on to something there, Harold. Did you hear about the Harvard professor who looked at Fourth of July celebrations as activist? Yep, he thinks of it as a plot to raise kids to be Republicans! It apparently didn’t occur to the big doofus that his study reveals that Democrats just aren’t very patriotic. (More likely to celebrate the 1st of May)
“Fourth of July celebrations in the United States shape the nation’s political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation, primarily in favor of the Republican Party,” said the report from Harvard.
“The political right has been more successful in appropriating American patriotism and its symbols during the 20th century. Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. Fourth of July celebrations in Republican dominated counties may thus be more politically biased events that socialize children into Republicans,” write Harvard Kennedy School Assistant Professor David Yanagizawa-Drott and Bocconi University Assistant Professor Andreas Madestam.
Oh brother…will the leftist now attempt to celebrate the fourth with protests, anti-everything american rallies…holding hands and singing Kumbaya to counter “republican” 4th of July celebrations? And what exactly is the problem…the flags? The fireworks? The picnics? The parades?
Well, to put a new ‘spin on a phrase’ from Libby that is just LIBERALLY REPUGNANT!.
Possibly a well inserted firecracker might wake them up, might even give the term ‘PC’ and ‘practiced here’ a Whole new meaning, what do you think?
ANYWAY, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE! with special thanks to all the soldiers who keep us free!
Pie we’ve really hit bottom when ADULTS in positions of power are completely comfortable harrassing and punishing children just for engaging in commerce. That these kids were also raising money for charity makes it even stinkier. Good grief have they no boundaries of decency or common sense at all?
I agree with Tina, and when I viewed this I just got disgusted. My wish is these Nanny empowered agencies would concentrated more on curb side panhandles, or anyone begging for money. What is the harm in having children learning how to operate a business to make a profit? the Nanny police seem more inclined (or just too lazy to find real problems) to prevent the spirit of being an entrepreneur in the younger generation and there by promoting more dependence on someone else for money, like government welfare. Permits to operate a Lemon-aid stand, what is next to hunt down and eliminate, fund raising Car washes or say Church bake sales. Hell! our legislators could learn from what it takes to make a effort to do real work that creates worth verse the ‘STUFF’ they do to restrict’ everything they touch.
Harold: “…to prevent the spirit of being an entrepreneur in the younger generation and there by promoting more dependence on someone else for money, like government welfare…”
You may be on to something there, Harold. Did you hear about the Harvard professor who looked at Fourth of July celebrations as activist? Yep, he thinks of it as a plot to raise kids to be Republicans! It apparently didn’t occur to the big doofus that his study reveals that Democrats just aren’t very patriotic. (More likely to celebrate the 1st of May)
Oh brother…will the leftist now attempt to celebrate the fourth with protests, anti-everything american rallies…holding hands and singing Kumbaya to counter “republican” 4th of July celebrations? And what exactly is the problem…the flags? The fireworks? The picnics? The parades?
Well, to put a new ‘spin on a phrase’ from Libby that is just LIBERALLY REPUGNANT!.
Possibly a well inserted firecracker might wake them up, might even give the term ‘PC’ and ‘practiced here’ a Whole new meaning, what do you think?
ANYWAY, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE! with special thanks to all the soldiers who keep us free!