Party Loving Americans Who Vote


A reporter in So Cal made it down to the beach for a “man on the street” type interview, and the question of the day was, “Why do we celebrate the 4th of July?”

The reporter, a 30 something guy, seemed to find mostly gorgeous young ladies in bikinis to interview and right there is a clue where this is going. See, if you are that hot you don’t need brains, anyway, here are some of the not so brilliant responses:

Girl 1: “Why do we celebrate, ummm, because we love to party?”

Girl 2: “Uh, I know, I know, its, uh, because we were freed from Europe!”

Girls 3: “Why? That’s easy, because it’s a holiday.” Reporter No, I mean why is it a holiday? Lets try again, we celebrate the 4th of J-u-l-y… because we declared our freedom from….. ( Long pause) then girl 3 says, from freedom? No, we don’t celebrate our freedom from freedom. He walks away looking for a non-blonde.

Girl 4: “I really have no idea, it was over war or something.”

Guy 1: “Because we fought a war over, over, uh, slavery I think?” So we celebrate this day because of the civil war? Reporter asks in disbelief. “Yeah, I think, I don’t, I’m not sure, but yeah I think that’s it.” And that’s your final answer, “Yeah – civil war.”

What we are really celebrating on the 4th of July is how 56 men, representing the citizens of the United States, changed the course of human history by declaring that men are and should be free and that they have been given rights by their Creator that no king or government can take away.

This was a fairly radical concept in 1776.

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5 Responses to Party Loving Americans Who Vote

  1. Toby says:

    And that folks is how we ended up with Obama.

  2. J Soden says:

    Looks like they’re all blondes . . . . . Sounds like it, too.

  3. Quentin Colgan says:

    “See, if you are that hot you don’t need brains.”

    That would explain Sarah and Michelle.

  4. Libby says:

    Not to worry, piglet. They do not vote.

    And who benefits from the profoundly degraded state of public education in this nation? … you should ask yourself.

  5. Quentin Colgan says:

    Good point!
    These girls are dumb enough to join the TEA Party when they grow up.
    Hmmmm. Mebbe that’s why the “conservatives” took over Education in the 80s . . . . . .

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