Counting Virtual Votes

by Tina Grazier

People of all kinds at home and around the world are casting early votes for our coming November elections.

Pollsters, for instance, don’t poll all the time, but quite often when they do, they poll for effect. Some have even suggested they poll to make news. The economy is doing well under this republican watch, yet there are no polls regarding the economy. In fact, it’s hard to find a story that reports the extraordinarily

great news of this economy. “It’s the economy, stupid” was a recent election war cry and yet we are not being treated to economic polls as we would be if it would harm the pubbies chances. So, color me paranoid if you want, I still say pollsters are voting.

The “drive by media“, as Rush calls them, are also voting early…and often, reporting ad nauseum on the “likely” win by dems. I’m suspicious of their motives, partly because they pretend to be neutral and positively because I have observed their machinations through the years. At any rate, the push is on to convince you and I that we Americans are sick of republicans and will therefore sweep the dems back into power where they will be in power for the next forty years.

In his recent speech before the UN even Hugo Chavez pulled the lever for democrats as he colorfully bashed President Bush. He was counting on Americans to be ready for change if only to escape the discomfort of feeling embarrassed or guilty about our president. His anti-American, anti-Bush diatribe was well timed, especially when you consider his recent talks with Iran’s leader, the nut job.

Terrorists have also decided to vote early and with vigor. It is no accident that the last month has been extremely bloody in Iraq. As any clever terrorist leader would tell you, propaganda can make all the difference in changing the will of the people. Americans are believed to be weak, soft targets for this particular brand of warfare. Bad news breeds weak knees and loud cries to withdraw and all that is required is extreme brutality and a few well placed reports complete with pictures. There are few, if any, stories in the press about what our soldiers accomplish or how well they have performed. There are few stories like we saw in WWII that send the message of a positive outcome. This kind of news might be discouraging to the enemy and favorable toward the current administration. It might also sway the election in favor of republicans, and we can’t have that.

Even American Generals have joined in the fray coming forward with criticisms of the administration’s war plans and strategy in apparent conflict with the usual lines of protocol in the military.

The Democrat Party has managed to gain early support from a wide and varied constituency made up of major networks and newspapers and assorted Generals and pollsters. The additions of terrorists and dictators points to a low spot in American election history. We’ve been here before, but with freedom and democracy in jeopardy around the world, my question is, how do they sleep at night?

Personally, I’m not convinced that all this early voting will result in a democrat sweep. The only thing I am sure of is that the election will be messy, even after the real voting is done.

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