State Sen. Ted Lieu on Wednesday urged California State University leaders to rescind the $100,000 raise awarded to the new president of San Diego State, saying the action is not in the best interests of the public and damages the system’s credibility.
The Board of Trustees on Tuesday approved a compensation package that pays Elliot Hirshman $400,000 — $100,000 more than his predecessor — even as the system faces a $650-million cut in state funding. The board approved a 12% tuition increase at the same meeting.
In a letter to board Chairman Herbert Carter, Lieu (D-Torrance) said the action signaled that the trustees care more about lavish salaries than educating students. “You cannot behave like Wall Street and give unsustainable salaries to your executives,” Lieu wrote. “I flat out reject the argument that there was no one else in the world good enough at a $300,000 salary such that you had to give a $100,00 raise.”
In an interview, Lieu said he contacted the chancellor’s office and several trustees before the vote and told them it would be difficult for him to favor restoring funding cuts if the salary was approved. He also noted that the board had disregarded Gov. Jerry Brown’s strong objections.
The below link was sent to me by a friend who was the Financial Aid Director at several colleges in California and Washington state.
It contains student’s stories about their educational cost and related jobs.
Wish every trustee who voted for the CSU, San Diego president’s pay raise could see it.
degree-not-worth-debt-cnnmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
You are being very dim. Did you not read Steve’s article?
This “Dr.” is apparently, extravagantly, well connected to that fount of non-tax income … Republicans, which the alumni of CSU, San Diego, hope to tap, and thereby make their “public” university a truly glorious institution of higher learning.
All us progressives are puking … and have lost all hope that you will ever come to realize how truly f*#&ed up this all is.
From Capitol Alert – How much do other CSU presidents make?
Sacramento State President Alexander Gonzalez makes $355,000, including a $60,000 housing allowance. The lowest-paid president in the system is William Eisenhardt, who heads the Maritime Academy in Vallejo. He earns $258,680 and is provided a house to live in.
Here is a list from CSU that shows salaries of each campus president and several executives in the chancellor’s office:
Read more:
Dang-it, Peggy beat me to the link! I notice, the Sac Bee link shows higher salaries than the Chico ER link. And, I notice, they’ve cut their salaries – but only by $5,000 or so! As if!
So, do you think this Lieu guy is one of these “Rhinos” we’ve been hearing about? Or is he genuine? How can we tell?
I’m not sure how you come to the conclusion that he would be raising money from Republicans. The only people with money in CA anymore are either the rich hollywood democrats or overpaid public employees. Everyone else is taxed to death or gone.
Libby: “This “Dr.” is apparently, extravagantly, well connected to that fount of non-tax income … Republicans…”
Have you taken a gander at the fount that Obama taps lately…what is that guys name…oh yeah…Jeff Immelt CEO of GE…”skilled at avoiding taxes”.
What Republicans want and have been calling for for decades is a simple tax system. It’s you progressives ythat like all the loop holes and complicated law. Get a clue Libs.
And by the way, the doctors “connections” look radically and dangerously republican…take a look at this subversive list:
Juanita – According to Wikipedia he’s a democratic. Guess there are a couple of them out there that are beginning to see the path their party members have put our state on and are willing to speak out against it. Got to give him credit for doing the right thing.
Sorry for scooping you on the link. It was just to good to pass up.
Also, don’t forget the posted salaries and benefits are not the only financial perk all of the university exec. get. They ALL have a special account and a credit card to use at their own discretion. Each of these accounts are for tens of thousands and paid for with our taxes. Add it to the salary, housing, car, gas, entertainment, travel and on and on.
The chancellor of the SJECCD, (my previous employer)actions was exposed because she took her partner and her son on trips in and out of the country.
The salary is just the tip of the iceberg.